Hi all!
I got rather inspired by this thread to make my own Roadster lift for lifting the rear of the Rocket, so here's my solution.
First of all, I already had a motorcycle mini lift (mine's branded "Datona", but can be found all over the world; all made in China with different brand badges, usually around 60 or 70 euro's or so). These mini lifts are rated for 500 kg.
The brackets can be unscrewed, which leaves a M16 threaded hole:
So, I bought two M16 bolts
made flat surfaces on both side of a bolt, drilled an 8mm hole in them and cut the head off
These bolts fit nicely (of course!) into the M16 hole
Add an M8 bolt,
And you've got a very sturdy and stable Roadster lift that can be fine tuned vertically by screwing the M16 bolts in or out, and fine tuned horizontally by moving the clamps on the mini lift holding the M16 bolts.
After fitting, I decided to take a bit more of the top of the bolts for some extra clearance. Above the 8mm hole there's now about 1 mm material left. Total costs (besides the mini lift): 2 euro.
Please note: I use this mini lift om my big bike lift, where the front wheel is in a clamp and the bike is strapped, so there are no stability issues.