Launching your roadster

Just wondering what everyone's technique is for fast/hard drag launches.

Personally I am a bit nervous about really launching it hard as I would on my 'Tona. Really, just concerned it will loop rather than come off the line hard.

I raise the question as I was doing a quick but not real hard launch today and the clutch slipped out of my hand just as I was leaving the line, and the bike jerked forward MUCH harder than anything I have ever ridden on or in but no lift and no spin, just GO!

So, 2k, 3k? Higher? Do you lean forward to keep the wheel down or keep weight centered to mitigate wheel spin?

Just looking for some pointers on the R3R from guys who've got a lot more miles/power than I do for reassurance.

Watch the video of DeSalvo on the Carpenter 8 second Rocket -
a dozen times or so . . .

THAT wasnt Desalvo on the bike it was our rider ALEX who is much larger and heavier than JASON

Thank you for setting me straight.
Man sure can come outta da hole!!!
I probably have watched that video 20 times.
I just wish there was a closer view of him launching.