Last, and maybe the best, RAA 12 location poll.

RAA 12 location

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as of thurs. the 1/26/17 not yet if it was not just 10 deg. out i may go sit and wait by the mailbox but the fireplace feels so much better

Was told a week, so it should be very soon.
Glad you are excited - you'll love them!
Do you have stock exhaust or aftermarket?
Ya may need a tune . . .
bike is stock but with tors k&n air filter under seat instead of triumph air filter seriously thinking of k&n filters and getting rid of all the air flow restrictions just as soon as it warms up some to cold to work in the shed and karen wont let me bring the bike in the house
bike is stock but with tors k&n air filter under seat instead of triumph air filter seriously thinking of k&n filters and getting rid of all the air flow restrictions just as soon as it warms up some to cold to work in the shed and karen wont let me bring the bike in the house

With your TORs, after Installing the 2780s you WILL need a new tune. Find a good Dyno tuner or contact @HansO for an appropriate tune.
Folks, Wytheville is an excellent spot on the map amidst wonderful riding country.

You Rocket Captains familiar with the area, please let's have a recommendation or two for Rocket-friendly lodging.

Third week in July ? And remember @Tripps most generous offer of a bike for folks wanting to fly in.

@Bob Blake @rocketjohn @Rocket3Pilot @britman