The only state where it is legal is California I used to lane split when I lived in Los Angeles, as with everything else what starts in California spreads to the other states.
The AMA has studies that show lane splitting is safer for motorcyclists but like everything else it has to be done correctly and the cage drivers have to be educated about it.
My state of Massachusetts has just introduced a bill to allow lane splitting. Just curious how those of you who's state allows it, feel how safe it is. My state has some of the worst drivers in the country,if you ask me it will be like suicide here...!! I've only done it once illegally in Chicago because the traffic was horrendous.

Just be sure you have registered as an organ doner. Since I ride, I am.
Lane splitting has been quasi legal in California for a long time now, i've noticed that depending on which part of California I'm riding in lane splitting can be reasonably safe, or an a$$ puckering experience, Here in the bay area where I live, most people are used to seeing motorcyclists splitting lanes and will move over if and when they see you coming. However I have ridden in the Los Angeles area as well, I noticed that the lanes are more narrow there than they are here and the drivers are much less courteous and would even attempt to keep me from passing.

Every day on the radio I hear about at least one motorcycle involved incident on the bay area freeways. It is my opinion though not proven to be fact that the majority of these accidents involve sport bike riders who most of the time are not lanes splitting safely but are zipping through traffic at a high rate of speed, motorists never even hear or see them coming before it's too late.

I have been lane splitting for years I always do it carefully, I never go more than five Mph or so faster than the cars are moving. And if traffic is moving along at 30 miles an hour or better I Generally don't lane split at all. And all these years I have only had one incident and that was on my rocket three touring where I clipped a guys mirror as I went by.
I still get nervous every time I do it though.

It never ceases to amaze me what I see people doing as I'm passing them, cellphones, iPads, newspapers, looking down into their lap at something while not even looking where they're going.
Eating cheeseburgers while looking at their cell phones...., the list goes on and on.

just remember that it's not legal in ca, it's just not illegal... if you wreck most cops write you because you were obviously unsafe... i've actually seen it happen (the route i rode there would be 10 guys lined up 'tween each lane splitting at primetime) that a cop wrote the wreckee while a bunch of us sat there hollerin' at him that the dumba$$ in the cage just pulled over when there was no where for the cage to go... cop said 'learn how to control the machine so you don't run into things' and wrote the guy for wreckless...
My state of Massachusetts has just introduced a bill to allow lane splitting. Just curious how those of you who's state allows it, feel how safe it is. My state has some of the worst drivers in the country,if you ask me it will be like suicide here...!! I've only done it once illegally in Chicago because the traffic was horrendous.

I started watching the video " Real Lane Splitting" and turned it off. It's just too f##king stupid! What a jack ass!
Yeah, there's a video similar to this -- I'd like to find it again -- by someone on a sport bike somewhere in Japan, I think -- you'd swear he'd never make it past any number of the narrow spots.

In Virginia, it's called "lane sharing" and is explicitly forbidden.

I've done it, and been pulled over for it (so far, no ticket), and I've had people open their doors just to be mean.
Lane splitting has been quasi legal in California for a long time now, i've noticed that depending on which part of California I'm riding in lane splitting can be reasonably safe, or an a$$ puckering experience, Here in the bay area where I live, most people are used to seeing motorcyclists splitting lanes and will move over if and when they see you coming. However I have ridden in the Los Angeles area as well, I noticed that the lanes are more narrow there than they are here and the drivers are much less courteous and would even attempt to keep me from passing.

Every day on the radio I hear about at least one motorcycle involved incident on the bay area freeways. It is my opinion though not proven to be fact that the majority of these accidents involve sport bike riders who most of the time are not lanes splitting safely but are zipping through traffic at a high rate of speed, motorists never even hear or see them coming before it's too late.

I have been lane splitting for years I always do it carefully, I never go more than five Mph or so faster than the cars are moving. And if traffic is moving along at 30 miles an hour or better I Generally don't lane split at all. And all these years I have only had one incident and that was on my rocket three touring where I clipped a guys mirror as I went by.
I still get nervous every time I do it though.

It never ceases to amaze me what I see people doing as I'm passing them, cellphones, iPads, newspapers, looking down into their lap at something while not even looking where they're going.
Eating cheeseburgers while looking at their cell phones...., the list goes on and on.

Jim you forgot to mention different kinds of sex and drugs. As a trucker I've seen all kinds of things you wouldn't even think of. At least me. :whitstling:
just remember that it's not legal in ca, it's just not illegal... if you wreck most cops write you because you were obviously unsafe... i've actually seen it happen (the route i rode there would be 10 guys lined up 'tween each lane splitting at primetime) that a cop wrote the wreckee while a bunch of us sat there hollerin' at him that the dumba$$ in the cage just pulled over when there was no where for the cage to go... cop said 'learn how to control the machine so you don't run into things' and wrote the guy for wreckless...

Lane Splitting Is Legal in California

On August 19th, 2016, the California Legislature passed AB 51, which formally defines lane splitting in the vehicle code, and explicitly authorizes the CHP develop educational guidelines relating to lane splitting in a manner that would ensure the safety of the motorcyclist and the drivers and passengers of the surrounding vehicles.

From the previous CHP Guidelines:

  1. Lane splitting by motorcycles is not illegal in California when done in a safe and prudent manner.
  2. Motorists should not take it upon themselves to discourage motorcyclists from lane splitting.
  3. Intentionally blocking or impeding a motorcyclist in a way that could cause harm to the rider is illegal (CVC 22400).
  4. Opening a vehicle door to impede a motorcycle is illegal (CVC 22517).
  5. Never drive while distracted.
  6. You can help keep motorcyclists and all road users safe by:
    1. Checking mirrors and blind spots, especially before changing lanes or turning
    2. Signaling your intentions before changing lanes or merging with traffic.
    3. Allowing more following distance, three or four seconds, when behind a motorcycle so the motorcyclist has enough time to maneuver or stop in an emergency.
For more information, check out our lane splitting resources & links page and the latest lane splitting news.

Want to support our efforts? Buy some ‘Share the Lane’ stickers!

WA is working on a bill now. It's already passed the first hurdle and now needs a review by the traffic safety board to go into effect.

The WA bill limits how much faster than the flow of traffic you can go, and it limits the maximum speed at which you can split.

Most drivers are only hostile to it because it's illegal, once people get used to it they adjust for the most part.
Whether it's legal or not lane splitting at driving speeds is just increasing risk for every body on the road including the car drivers. However lane splitting at slow speed due to a stopped traffic situation seems like it should be acceptable and practical.
just how (using your own words) .. risky.. is it for car drivers? unless they step outside of the car? I have been splitting lanes in europe for years slow and fast and never felt any danger inherent to that procedure provided car drivers stay in their lane although now with cellphone drivers can get distracted that much more and carefulness for two wheeler must be an all time occupation when riding