Study after study shows it's not risky as long as cagers drive within the law and use signals.

When there's heavy traffic I'll split in any state or country, I can afford the ticket if it comes down to that.

When it's a two lane road and miss daisy decides to squat in the left lane and match the speed of the car in the right lane.... after about 5 minutes I'm splitting, less if the speed is lower than the posted limit.
Study after study shows it's not risky as long as cagers drive within the law and use signals.

When there's heavy traffic I'll split in any state or country, I can afford the ticket if it comes down to that.

When it's a two lane road and miss daisy decides to squat in the left lane and match the speed of the car in the right lane.... after about 5 minutes I'm splitting, less if the speed is lower than the posted limit.

Don't you just hate that!!!!!
In Western Australia it is ok to go between traffic if certain conditions are met. You can only pass on the drivers side of the lane, not overtake on the inside.
Lane Splitting Is Legal in California

On August 19th, 2016, the California Legislature passed AB 51, which formally defines lane splitting in the vehicle code, and explicitly authorizes the CHP develop educational guidelines relating to lane splitting in a manner that would ensure the safety of the motorcyclist and the drivers and passengers of the surrounding vehicles.

From the previous CHP Guidelines:

  1. Lane splitting by motorcycles is not illegal in California when done in a safe and prudent manner.
  2. Motorists should not take it upon themselves to discourage motorcyclists from lane splitting.
  3. Intentionally blocking or impeding a motorcyclist in a way that could cause harm to the rider is illegal (CVC 22400).
  4. Opening a vehicle door to impede a motorcycle is illegal (CVC 22517).
  5. Never drive while distracted.
  6. You can help keep motorcyclists and all road users safe by:
    1. Checking mirrors and blind spots, especially before changing lanes or turning
    2. Signaling your intentions before changing lanes or merging with traffic.
    3. Allowing more following distance, three or four seconds, when behind a motorcycle so the motorcyclist has enough time to maneuver or stop in an emergency.
For more information, check out our lane splitting resources & links page and the latest lane splitting news.

Want to support our efforts? Buy some ‘Share the Lane’ stickers!

wow... they actually finally did it... those guidelines are pretty funny, though... i'm always safe and prudent, at least in my mind... that's a pretty weird standard...
[QUOTE"Claviger, post: 432413, member: 5345"]Study after study shows it's not risky as long as cagers drive within the law and use signals./QUOTE]

Hardly anyone I see here in South Florida uses a signal. Drive within the law? Hilarious...even less of those.

What I do see plenty of on the roads here is arrogance, self entitlement mentality, me first, recklessness, and I could go on but you get the picture.

If it ever became law you would have to be out of your rabid a$$ mind to split lanes here.

This also answers the question why am I moving from here!;)
Splitting lanes is nerveracking and I don't like doing it but it is hard to resist since it is legal in california. Slowly following the cage in front of you, especially on a hot day, when you could be shooting through that big hole ahead requires more patience than I have. I won't split between two semi's though, very little room and they likely cannot see you in the rear view. I let a friend ride the rocket and I followed on his Harley and he shot through side by side semi's like he had the whole lane to himself. Scared the hell out of me to watch it. Some guys just have nerves of steel.
We had a Bill up in Colorado last year that got shot down. Utah also just failed to pass it. Basically the same reasons, "Our drivers just aren't educated to react properly in these situations" or "We just don't believe there's enough data to support that it would be safe for motorcyclists given the driving habits of our state"...

I'm a bit bitter.
Lane splitting I legal here in NZ but the roads are a bit narrow to do it on an R3 easily I've found though that when traffics crawling the car drivers are quite often considerate and move over for you, however there's always the minority that don't and thy are the ones that you gotta watch carefully for.

While stuck in my ute in bad traffic a few weeks back saw an angry motorcyclist smash a side mirror of a car that deliberately closed him out, he seemed quite practiced at this. Me? i would have fallen off trying it.
just how (using your own words) .. risky.. is it for car drivers? unless they step outside of the car? I have been splitting lanes in europe for years slow and fast and never felt any danger inherent to that procedure provided car drivers stay in their lane although now with cellphone drivers can get distracted that much more and carefulness for two wheeler must be an all time occupation when riding

What I am referring to is the effect it has on some ( not all ) people plodding along in their car and some maniac goes flying by their window on a really loud motorcycle reving like crazy. I myself have been startled by this and I can deal with it, but some people are just barely able to manage normal every day driving, so for them it's a scary situation. They may over react, oversteer or correct and create an unsafe situation as a result of your need to get in front of them. Not everyone on the road is blessed with great reaction time or ability and for them, I think it's dangerous.

In the summer, windows down, I'm even very cautious just in passing, to ensure the driver sees me and understands I'm going to pass so I don't scare them into doing something erratic.

It just doesn't make sense to me that a motorcycle rider should have a sense of entitlement to run between cars without regard for how it affects their perception.

Don't get me wrong, I like to ride fast, real fast, but not at someone else's expense or jeopardy.
[QUOTE"Claviger, post: 432413, member: 5345"]Study after study shows it's not risky as long as cagers drive within the law and use signals./QUOTE]

Hardly anyone I see here in South Florida uses a signal. Drive within the law? Hilarious...even less of those.

What I do see plenty of on the roads here is arrogance, self entitlement mentality, me first, recklessness, and I could go on but you get the picture.

If it ever became law you would have to be out of your rabid a$$ mind to split lanes here.

This also answers the question why am I moving from here!;)

Be careful in Naples that's where the majority of Massachusetts residents retire.:eek::D I was born and raised in Boston, passing a lane splitting law here would be suicide.I say the "F" word about every two miles every time i go through Boston. Drivers here are insanely reckless..!!
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