All good points, really, the majority of drivers in the US are utter ****e, no doubt.

Been startled myself being caught off guard by an R1 passing at extreme speeds.

None of that changes that prudent splitting is safer for a biker than plodding along behind a car. When stuck in traffic constrained by an arbitrary law you become a victim to circumstance and cannot self determine. When you have the option of passing an erratic/drunk/new/horrible/etc driver you control your own environment.

We all know bikes vanish to car drivers, they just don't see you. I myself have come up on the back of a car only to realize there's a motorcycle sitting there I didn't see, usually because he's in the one or three position in the lane and the tail lights line up. If I can make that mistake as a highly competent driver/rider then ANY random cager can and will make the same error.

You be you and I'll be me, regardless I'm still splitting when prudent and safe, tickets be ****ed!!

EDIT: I'm not talking about splitting two cars going 65mph at 150mph plus! Yes it's fun, yes it's unfathomably dangerous.
Remember, 25 mph is the limit and less for who are passing.
At that speed most hazards can be easily avoided.
I was on my way to a RAA in Maggie Valley when the traffic came to a stand still. I was like "WTF get the hell out of the way!"

Because I was really wanting to hang with my friends around the fire at The Holiday in Maggie I split lane for roughly a mile and a half.

I worked my way to the front of all the stopped traffic and found out that it was just a car full of teenagers had a flat tire on side of the road. Everyone was rubber necking and it was causing the traffic jam. All I could figure that was going on....???

My lane splitting maneuver wasn't legal but at the time I didn't really care.... my friends are more important! :D
WA has passed the lane share law!
RCW 46.71.608
Some dumb-ass amendments, but they will get worked out.
I'm heading out to do some lane splitting tomorrow!
I-5 here I come!

OMG I moved in at the perfect time, I can't wait to see all the butt hurt of cagers!!
A lot of you guys think nothin of having a gun.Over here most bikers think nothin of lane splitting.It's part of biking life and like guns it's safe if your carful about what your doin,In stationary traffic don't go anymore than say 30 mph, in slow moving traffic don't go more than 10 mph faster than it and once speed of traffic is over 40mph go with the flow .Me, personaly I enjoy it. If you can't lane split you're as well drivin a car.But comments about car drivers getting used to it are valid. If you suddenly said to us in europe that we could go out and buy guns there would be holes everywhere. Anyhoo if it's legal in your state get out there an do it. Just be Careful.;)
@1olbull where did you see it's now legal to split? Everything I can find has it as introduced, approved, awaiting Transportation Board Hearing.