It shall take awhile to learn the cages, but being alert and staying at 25 or less should provide a fair margin of safety.
[QUOTE"Claviger, post: 432413, member: 5345"]Study after study shows it's not risky as long as cagers drive within the law and use signals./QUOTE]

Hardly anyone I see here in South Florida uses a signal. Drive within the law? Hilarious...even less of those.

What I do see plenty of on the roads here is arrogance, self entitlement mentality, me first, recklessness, and I could go on but you get the picture.

If it ever became law you would have to be out of your rabid a$$ mind to split lanes here.

This also answers the question why am I moving from here!;)

Come to New Jersey are drivers are way better!!! Not!!!
I was unprepared for this during my 1st trip to the UK. 1st day out and in Yorkshire when the 1st motorcycles split lanes around me. Once I figured it out, no issue. Just another part of being on the wrong side of the car on the wrong side of the road. :D:rolleyes:
I was unprepared for this during my 1st trip to the UK. 1st day out and in Yorkshire when the 1st motorcycles split lanes around me. Once I figured it out, no issue. Just another part of being on the wrong side of the car on the wrong side of the road. :D:rolleyes:
AH hum ! I believe that would be the RIGHT side of the road ! :p ;)
I might do it carefully around stopped traffic, but cruising between moving cars at speed, probably not.
Definately me old mukka ! ones own sense of mortality certainly increases as we get older don't it ? :)

I HEAR that M8!
My Dad and two uncles (his brothers) all passed at 74 and 75 years.
I sure hope I break their records as I am already well on the way to 71 and . . .
I AIN'T near done yet!
I HEAR that M8!
My Dad and two uncles (his brothers) all passed at 74 and 75 years.
I sure hope I break their records as I am already well on the way to 71 and . . .
I AIN'T near done yet!
:eek: 71 and still Rocketeering . You are a king amongst men sir ! :rolleyes:
AH hum ! I believe that would be the RIGHT side of the road ! :p ;)

Hey M8,
From your driver perspective you ARE driving on the left (wrong) side, NOT the "right" or correct side! :p

My first experience with lane splitting was in 2004 on my brand new V2K. I shall ALWAYS remember the incident!
I was riding on I-5 caught in 5 or 6 lanes of freeway, stopped and go traffic coming into San Fernando, heading south through LA.
I was in the lane next to the far left stopped, when two sport bikes came zooming by on my right and about 40 mph. I thought, "stupid squids". A minute or two later another sportie zoomed by = same thoughts. Then a darn ape hanging HD, with a grimy patched Hells Angel riding, rode by at about 30 mph. At this point I said to myself, "Screw that crap! If a stinkin' hog can, I can do better!" So I pulled out to my right and took off after that HD. Twas a quick learning experience and I took to it like a duck to water. About three miles later I greased that HD - respectfully of course! :eek: :rolleyes:
I gained an instant love for lane splitting and learned about the scientific justification later. :D
Hey M8,
From your driver perspective you ARE driving on the left (wrong) side, NOT the "right" or correct side! :p

My first experience with lane splitting was in 2004 on my brand new V2K. I shall ALWAYS remember the incident!
I was riding on I-5 caught in 5 or 6 lanes of freeway, stopped and go traffic coming into San Fernando, heading south through LA.
I was in the lane next to the far left stopped, when two sport bikes came zooming by on my right and about 40 mph. I thought, "stupid squids". A minute or two later another sportie zoomed by = same thoughts. Then a darn ape hanging HD, with a grimy patched Hells Angel riding, rode by at about 30 mph. At this point I said to myself, "Screw that crap! If a stinkin' hog can, I can do better!" So I pulled out to my right and took off after that HD. Twas a quick learning experience and I took to it like a duck to water. About three miles later I greased that HD - respectfully of course! :eek: :rolleyes:
I gained an instant love for lane splitting and learned about the scientific justification later. :D
AH No ! No ! NO ! IT'S THE RIGHT SIDE ! Everyone else got it wrong ! :p
With your heart bull , you gonna live forever my friend ! :coffee: ;) :)