No'mo Rocket 4 me
Technology could deal with the cell phone use in vehicles easy.
Huge corporate bucks and power prevail over human safety!
Have you been injured in a car crash while the driver was distracted on the cell phone?! Call the Texas Hammer
That will reduce the incidence of distracted drivers texting and the like. Mandatory triple damages for negligence. At one time that were going to sue gun manufacturers for crimes committed by their customers. The case for cell phone manufacturers sharing the blame for this crash epidemic can be made. If cars are mandated to have seatbelts, hear restraints, airbags, the case to reduce texting while driving can be made. Not with technology but with settlement $$$$ and felony charges against the perpetrators.
Or, a clause in your auto liability policy that states, if you crash while operating your cell phone, we will not be liable in the event you crash.
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