Technology could deal with the cell phone use in vehicles easy.
Huge corporate bucks and power prevail over human safety!

Have you been injured in a car crash while the driver was distracted on the cell phone?! Call the Texas Hammer :eek::eek:

That will reduce the incidence of distracted drivers texting and the like. Mandatory triple damages for negligence. At one time that were going to sue gun manufacturers for crimes committed by their customers. The case for cell phone manufacturers sharing the blame for this crash epidemic can be made. If cars are mandated to have seatbelts, hear restraints, airbags, the case to reduce texting while driving can be made. Not with technology but with settlement $$$$ and felony charges against the perpetrators.

Or, a clause in your auto liability policy that states, if you crash while operating your cell phone, we will not be liable in the event you crash.
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We don't "stare" when driving or riding.
The eyes saccade in all directions soaking in our environment.
When we do "stare", such as when reading, words around what we are reading cannot be read well either.
This cute excercise in foces has nothing to do with the operation of a motor vehicle.

I dont have to stare at the dot for this to work, I nearly have to look at it while it is at the correct distance. I believe the idea here is that in our daily travels objects will be in the ‘magic spot’ that we simply cannot see them in. It may only be for a second, but they will be there. As for not staring, I drive thirty miles hiway, twice a day minimum. I quite often find myself staring straight ahead in a semi conscious state. Terrifying and embarrassing to admit, but it happens; and I would venture to guess to more of us than just myself.

Please stay alert friends!! There are some who simply aren’t and we must compensate!!
dont matter what you do for an occupation driving is the most dangerous things you do in a day some people I know have moved because they have to drive more than 20 minutes to work others I know (me included)drive up to 3 hrs or more one way, work up to 16/18 hrs a day turn around drive home do that for 7 to 14 day shifts see how complacent you get
Have you been injured in a car crash while the driver was distracted on the cell phone?! Call the Texas Hammer :eek::eek:

That will reduce the incidence of distracted drivers texting and the like. Mandatory triple damages for negligence. At one time that were going to sue gun manufacturers for crimes committed by their customers. The case for cell phone manufacturers sharing the blame for this crash epidemic can be made. If cars are mandated to have seatbelts, hear restraints, airbags, the case to reduce texting while driving can be made. Not with technology but with settlement $$$$ and felony charges against the perpetrators.

Or, a clause in your auto liability policy that states, if you crash while operating your cell phone, we will not be liable in the event you crash.

This may help some but you can't fix STUPID...