Where to keep Registration and Insurance?

In MD you have to have current registration and proof of insurance (just changed in the last few yrs). Most of the time, they don't bother with bikes (unless your acting like a hooligan) since they can get all that info when they run your DL anyway.

Back to the original question....before the bags, I kept them in a ziplock on the battery, and used the battery hold down bungee to keep the baggy in place. I also like the velcro the baggy to the underside of the seat. Now I just keep them in the saddle bag.
Small chase harper barrel bag on my forks had it there on almost all my bikes big enough for reg insurance glasses wallet speed pass and phone :thumbsup:
I love that idea, purchased one, and doggonit, did not fit between risers and stock Touring windscreen.
I have mine mounted just below the horn embellisher


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I had a tool bag on my front forks but did too much dirt and rough country roads and the bag rubbed through the front fender clear coat. Had the same clearance as yours I reckon but I also have Progressive fork springs and 10w not stock 5w fork oil.
How is that 'cop profiling"? If they were pulled over for a law on the books such as handlebar grips over armpit level then how is it profiling. He let them go with a warning so all is good. In California this law was just recently changed so the grips can be over armpit level. Society as a whole always uses the 'cops pulled me over for' (fill in reason/excuse here). If the handlebars were too high then they were too high if not then you have a valid argument. Also, there are always two sides to the story. (Still your bestie,MM):thumbsup:
I was profiled and pulled over last year for doing over 100 mph.:mad: I mean what the heck the road was straight and I won the race.:rolleyes: First thing he said was license and registration please then followed did you know how fast you were going? I said, uh uh uh....... I thought why should I testify against myself, right? He said a clocked you at about 100. I said sounds about right. Darn Indian Vintage tops out at around 115 anyways. He asked me if Iwas from around here and I responded yes and I am THE Dr.D!!!!

He ran my stuff and came back tell me to slow it down and have a good day. I said thanks and took off kind of slow and mellow. Darn profiling.:laugh: If I didn’t have those papers I’m sure I’d have been in the slammer.;)
In Missouri (and Kansas) we can keep them on our phone. Very handy.

Otherwise, tape a ziplock freezer bag to the underside of the seat. It'll require getting your key out to get to but, since you hoons seem to regularly get pulled over on the wrong side of the ton, you should get in the habit of taking the key out and extravagantly dropping it to prove you're not going to run as soon as the officer gets out of his car. In my experience, this tends to cut down on having guns pointed at you*.

*I haven't actually done this, since I don't typically go quite that fast, but a friend has (stopped in excess of 110) and it impressed the cop so much he pencil-whipped the ticket to "20 over". So, no mandatory arrest and impound, but still a mandatory court appearance and possible felony**.

**He got it reduced to a scandalous number of points and community service. If he got busted so much as rolling through a stop sign in the next 3 years, it was "go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200". As I recall, he was out of pocket over $3K***.

*** And, for the next 5 years, his insurance bill looked like the GNP of a small European nation.
I was profiled and pulled over last year for doing over 100 mph.:mad: I mean what the heck the road was straight and I won the race.:rolleyes: First thing he said was license and registration please then followed did you know how fast you were going? I said, uh uh uh....... I thought why should I testify against myself, right? He said a clocked you at about 100. I said sounds about right. Darn Indian Vintage tops out at around 115 anyways. He asked me if Iwas from around here and I responded yes and I am THE Dr.D!!!!

He ran my stuff and came back tell me to slow it down and have a good day. I said thanks and took off kind of slow and mellow. Darn profiling.:laugh: If I didn’t have those papers I’m sure I’d have been in the slammer.;)
If he had to ask YOU how fast you were going then that in itself presents a problem. You should have asked him "If I was driving 100 then you must have been at 150 to catch me, who is more unsafe?" Also, he clocked you? What kind of clock did he use? Rolex or JC Penny? I knew he backed down after he realized who he stopped. Glad the Hammer didn't fall on him.👮‍♂️ Seriously, if he let you go for 100 mph you must have gave him a reach around.😍
Here in Tx pretty easy. Registration is sticker on license plate. Insurance I keep in wallet although LEO and registration office can pull up in a data-base - usually.