K&N Filter Options

Ditch the Bearclaw and get some RU-1770's

RU1770's are 30 bucks each from me or 89 for the set plus shipping.....

FYI, I can supply any K&N filter, any. That includes automotive, marine, aviation, even lawnmower filters.

Anytime you want a specific filter, for any application, jusr sent me a message at my e-mail address sales@flipmeisters.com and I'll get you a price.

I just got 3 K&N cold air intakes for 2010 Dodge Hemi pickups plus a custom air cleaner assembly for a 460 Ford with a Holley 750 double pumper in a street rod.

I have direct access to all of K&N's entire product line.
It is amazing what the freeing up the intake system will do on the same R3 with Jardine exhaust.

Green - Three RU-2780 under bearclaw. Tuning. 135.1 hp / 139 ft-lb
Yellow - Bearclaw removed. Tuning. 139.2 hp / 144 ft-lb
Purple - Stage II Intake/filter with bearclaw trimmed. Throttle body blueprinted. Tuning. 148.8 hp / 148.3 ft-lb

Still more testing to do. Stage III testing next week.
Actually, the CFM of intake of the 2780's is more than a naturally aspirated, stock cammed R3 can ingest anyways.

Probably the only drawback to triple 2780's o triple anything is intake roar. It's a straight shot to the intake valves and its noisy.

The 2780's pose very little restriction across the media.
One of my plans is to buy the carbon fiber partial bear claw.

I do like the RU-1770's, I would like them to be a tad shorter (maybe by 1 or 1 1/2), and with the extreme top.
K&N also makes custom filters to order but you'd better have steel hinges on your wallet....

I had an interesting experience with K&N last week. I called in to check an order starus and gave the salesperson my dealer number. She came back and said "Good morning Mr.Penske". It seems as though my dealer number is one sequence different than Roger Penske's. I'm thinking I could have ordered the world and let Roger pay for it.....:D

...I'll take a hundered of these and a hundred of those and two hundred of that and by the way, send it express, I need them tomorrow.......
K&N also makes custom filters to order but you'd better have steel hinges on your wallet....

I had an interesting experience with K&N last week. I called in to check an order starus and gave the salesperson my dealer number. She came back and said "Good morning Mr.Penske". It seems as though my dealer number is one sequence different than Roger Penske's. I'm thinking I could have ordered the world and let Roger pay for it.....:D

...I'll take a hundered of these and a hundred of those and two hundred of that and by the way, send it express, I need them tomorrow.......
Flip now has a new nick-name .... Mr. Penske. ****, and I was saving that one for myself. :rolleyes:

Tripp thats amazing ... nearly 10hp from cleaning up the air going through the throttle bodies? Is that just from trimming gaskets and matching intake to TB diameters, or was there some polishing and trimming intake to head as well? It would be nice to match and polish my runners, but the shop (garage) just isn't as big and well equiped these days. :(
First off, this is not for everyone, just a little side project. Most simply do not need or want more performance from their R3, And we are starting to stray seriously off topic.

FWIW, for those with Predators, the results above are even larger. For instance, the Preds provide (in my testing) about 4%-4.5% more hp with the Bearclaw in place over RU-2780s than the Jardines provide - but a larger restriction. The results from the intake system tested above are with Jardines, and the Preds provide a corespondingly larger output.

The 6.5% increase (10% over RU-2780s under the bearclaw) results are with a new intake system and throttle body/adapter blueprinting. Filter, velocity stacks, IATS relocation, trimmed bearclaw, etc. developed around a single filter design that allows me to place full velocity stacks under the filter. We have an even better stack design tested since these results, and are still testing stagger as well as a few other items. It also allows us to mount the IATS under the filter to get accurate intake temps and let the ECU correct for actual intake air temps.

The new filter allows enough flow to let the blueprinted throttle body finally show an improvement in output on engines with a full exhaust - Jardines, Predators, custom header systems, etc. Prior to this, the work was not worth the effort, as the filter was the restriction, not the throttle bore.

Despite what manufacturers claim for filter flow, when you put a magnehelic gauge on a set of RU-2780s you will see the restriction they provide in a running R3 engine on the dyno - or on the road. A flow bench will show this restriction as well, but means little if the engine does not need the flow/velocity. As seen in the graph, this is not just at high rpm, the restriction also reduces the influence of the intake pulse tuning at all engine speeds over 2700 rpm. The RU-2780 can quickly fill with dust/debris reducing its performance even further. Overkill on the filter provides less force driving dust into the filter, and even dirty, will still provides ample flow for good performance.

The throttle blueprint work is just that - matching the throttlebody and manifold adapters to the head, and removing the machined step in the throttle bore. There is also a bit of work to the throttle blades, shaft, and screws. This allows the TB to flow closer to what the head does in stock form.

We do this regularly on other engines where we see the throttle bore flow significantly less than the intake ports and reduces flow and velocity. The intake should be considered an extension of the intake port, not a restriction to it. The choke point should be just prior to the valve stem/valve guide, not in the intake. Otherwise you kill port velocity and detracts from intake pulse tuning.

With higher lift cams, we really need more blade area than the stock 51.6mm blades/bores provide. Based on the throttle blade distance from the intake valve (even with very little port taper) the throttle blade needs more area and to be better shaped for piston air demand. This is in the works, as are straight manifold adapters that replace the curved stock ones and show less shearing of the intake mixture.

Getting rid of the secondary throttle shaft is a benefit as well, but the ECU will throw a code if it does not detect the secondary TPS and stepper (timed together), but we are working on this little detail - similarly to what we do on the late 'Busas.

We will be testing the latest generation of stacks with offset stagger later this week. Same bike, as well as two others - one with stock throttle body and Jardine exhaust. Thus far, the results indicate that more length to the center stack is wanted, but we will not be sure until we test. We will also be testing a heat dam between the filter and the engine as well as preventing hot air from behind the radiator from flowing into the filter. So far, we are only testing on bikes with full exhaust systems, and with a more modified engine - cams, headwork, compression, etc. (requiring shorter stack length defined by intake valve closing).

Test, test, and test again. ;)

This project and intake system is not for everyone. I had never intended to sell these to the public, but only to a few current customers and those performing internal engine modifications. The work involved to test and produce these is not a money making venture, just a quest for knowledge and performance. I will likely offer a few for sale since the number of calls and emails over the past few weeks seem to indicate demand for this. Most are happy with RU-2780s under the bearclaw and the performance increase they provide. Some are not. Some will not like the look with a trimmed bearclaw. Others, feel differently. To each their own.

For the time being, I am simply sharing the results we have found from reducing intake restrictions on a few R3s tested.
With a boroscope the MINI looks like a hall of mirrors inside a calidoscope all the way past the supercharger to the valves .... that extra edge was needed to win my class in SCCA. The R3 so far has won hands down against all comers, eventually I'll get the itch bad enough to break out the dremmel and polish ... but not just yet. hehe
You've put alot of work into them, I'll have to hit you up for clutch tips when that time comes, be ready. :cool: (I don't want a lock-up, I think.)