[Jan 8, 2014] I 10 road trip to the Keys. (I 10 Road Trip)

It will probably be a little congested until you're a couple of miles past what's referred to as Dade Corners (Rt 41 and Krome ave - SR 997) - after that it should be a nice ride.

Here's the contact info for CLyde Butcher's Big Cypress Gallery:

Hwy 41 Tamiami Trail Mile Marker 54.5
Ochopee, FL (Everglades)
Phone: (239) 695-2428

Here'a a small sample of his wrk taken from his web site:



Instead of Alligator Alley (I-75 north), can I suggest that you guys go across the state on Rt 41 (Tamiami Trail). It's a little slower but much more scenic - you'll have the chance to see plenty of gators in their native habitat. Also, there's a place called Clyde Butcher's gallery. Butcher is an accomplished photographer who has been photographing Florida and the Glades for many years. Much of his work has been compared to Ansel Adams'. I'd recommend a stopover (1/2 hour or so) at Clyde's gallery. And it's a GREAT place to see live gators in the streams surrounding the gallery and right across the street. You can pick up 75 North at the west end of 41 in Naples - easy to do and well marked.

That's a great suggestion!

I just split off in Pascagoula, MS to check into a room so I can take care of some office work.. Cindy and Morris are going on to
shreveport to meet up with other friends. What a great trip. I couldn't have asked for better company. I will try to post some pics tonight.
Glad you're all safe and had fun.

Did you get a chance to stop at Clyde Butcher's Big Cypress Gallery on your way across Tamiami Trail?