I've owned some noisy bikes but.....

My 2011 R3T (45000Klms) was getting a little more rattly than normal (for my Bike) suspecting a cam tensioner problem I parked it on a uphill slope and stopped the engine and selected 3rd gear and let the bike roll back with the clutch disengaged for a couple of feet and let the clutch out effectively turning the motor over backwards momentarily it may have been my imagination but I heard a click from the front of the engine, but its no imagination the engine is noticeably quieter ,worth a try if concerned about a bit of timing chain rattle, worked for me
To echo what everyone else has said, get a NEW bike.

Triumph is no stranger to warranty work on Rockets, so, don't let them pretend like "We've never seen this before" and try and tap dance around getting a new bike. They have done it in the past for engine issues, numerous times, published right on these forums. Stand your ground, get a NEW bike, after all, you bought a NEW bike not a used one.

I'm with everyone else here demand a new bike. If they pull the motor rebuild it and refit it, you'll end up with paint chips on the motor and frame most likely and it wont be "new"
I agree with everybody. My 14 roadster motor crapped out due to a oil drive fear starving the motor. I was told originally by Triumph they were going to put a brand new motor in, then they said rebuild it. Now mine had 7500 miles on it, but I wouldn't except a rebuilt motor, and my dealer fought for me.Triumph came through with a new 14 out of the box, and paid them to swap all my custom parts. No charge to me!!
I only listened to about 2 seconds worth. I'd be afraid to stand next to it. Now I'll go back and start reading, to see if we found out what it was/is.
AT 90 k miles my 05 started making that exact noise while I was riding it. I thought for sure I would not make it home. Then it suddenly stopped a couple of miles later and I have not heard it since. What with all the noises the Rocket makes from time to time maybe they should have called it the Racket 3 instead.

Like Christine, it fixed itself, cool!
Is this normal? The video doesn't capture the bone rattling metal on metal clanking. It doesn't go away at any speed. In fact, even at 80mph on the highway, I can here it over the wind noise. The bike is a 2016, and still has break-in oil in, with 700 miles.

Don't understand what kind of fairy story your dealer is telling you. Every piece of advice above, especially not even starting it again, are right! Ride it again, Risk it!
Sounds to me like it is close to a catastrophic failure. Might not be a bad idea to allow it to happen if they are wanting to rebuild it.
Don't understand what kind of fairy story your dealer is telling you. Every piece of advice above, especially not even starting it again, are right! Ride it again, Risk it!
They came to get it Thursday, and I haven't heard from them since.