I've watched the latest presentation promo video by Triumph a few times, which gives the opportunity to really see the new colour scheme looks and I have to say that I really like the aesthetics. I can imagine that they will look very desirable in the showroom.
On face value, I think they have improved the appearance of the bike mainly due to the fact that the colour scheme makes the bike look more compact and less fussy.
However...... I can't help thinking that with everything being in mat black they will show wear and tear faster than the previous year models.
Particularly the exhaust, although I suppose it can be re-painted every couple of years.
While on the subject of the exhaust..... Visually, I think the black exhaust is a backward step because the style of the exhaust is a big part of the bike's unique visual appeal and now they have blacked it out. It also looks a bit cheap IMHO.
The lighter wheels offer biggest improvement (potentially). Worth having a test ride in order to compare/evaluate ride and handling, me thinks.
My own personal conclusion:
If I was looking to buy a Rocket 3 now, I think I would go for the new model over the previous model. Stand the two models side by side in the showroom and the new colour schemes will tip the balance in favour of the new model. It looks leaner, cleaner & meaner.
That said, I already have a Rocket 3 and the changes aren't anywhere near enough to make me want to pay to change.