Is the Rocket III for me? Hi from Canada!

I couldn't be bothered reading it all again .. did he actually realise that I didn't say I thought his yellow Suzuki was 'ugly' .. maybe just a tire-kicker and trolling around , who knows. Think he took our comments , advise and suggestions the wrong way. Imagine if he would of posted a pic of his bright yellow GOLDWING and tried to convince us how "beautiful" it was ..reckon he got off easy now that I think about it ..hahahahaha.

ah ***'im
after reading all the trash above I feel the need to repent from such capital sin and go to confession next week at my local church on the R3 ............. I forgot we have snow for the next 5 months .
bless those who live and ride all year m********f***rs and to top it off i pay insurance all year . pardon my outburst have been cooped up too long already

Mate load your Rocket into that smoke-bellowing jalopy of an aircraft of yours and fly south .. until you can see golden beaches and lush rainforest .. land wherever it's safe ..unload the Rocket and give one of us Aussies a tingle , we'll take care of you from there ok. Oh yeh , burn the plane before you roar off into the sunset ... flames f#ck forensics ;)
You guys just make me laugh my tits off. Great reading these comments and just maybe the original post could have put it a little bit better than he
did. Anyway hope he still buys one because he won't regret it. Had mine now for 7 weeks and loving more by the day. awesome machine. What's with the chaps thing? Have I missed something?
You guys just make me laugh my tits off. Great reading these comments and just maybe the original post could have put it a little bit better than he
did. Anyway hope he still buys one because he won't regret it. Had mine now for 7 weeks and loving more by the day. awesome machine. What's with the chaps thing? Have I missed something?

Oh we go again
You guys just make me laugh my tits off. Great reading these comments and just maybe the original post could have put it a little bit better than he
did. Anyway hope he still buys one because he won't regret it. Had mine now for 7 weeks and loving more by the day. awesome machine. What's with the chaps thing? Have I missed something?

Mate it's just one of those 'comments or observations' that takes on a life of it's own amongst the addled minds of those that hang around here .. I can't even remember how the whole "chaps" thing kicked off. Reckon if you used the SEARCH function for chaps you'd get a giggle though. Glad you're enjoying your Rocket mate :thumbsup:
after reading all the trash above I feel the need to repent from such capital sin and go to confession next week at my local church on the R3 ............. I forgot we have snow for the next 5 months .
bless those who live and ride all year m********f***rs and to top it off i pay insurance all year . pardon my outburst have been cooped up too long already
You guys just make me laugh my tits off.
Laugh your tits off??:eek:
If you are a good looking girl we want to see...
if you are an ugly hairy dude we DON'T want to see!!!!!:D