Is the Rocket III for me? Hi from Canada!


Rocket Captain
Nov 25, 2013
Toronto, Ontario
2012 Rocket III Roadster
I retract my question, it appears I am unwelcome here just because I asked a few questions.

Sorry that I don't fit into your special group. Maybe when I have been touched by the hand of god I will be welcomed here and own a Rocket

Thanks for the diplomacy!
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You need to go test drive one as a stock one most likely has more horse power then your 109. Not that they cannot be modified up to and including a insane level of horse power.

Take your check book with you when you go
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Welcome Ron. You can do anything and everything to a Rocket, except maybe go bigger on the rear tyre (without major mods and huge cost).
Service manual is readily available as PDF and you have this place for pretty much everything anyway.
I've had mine for close to 4 years and getting up to 70,000km now and it's easily the best (goes without saying) and most trouble free bike I've owned. Not saying they're without issues but if you want to be riding one of these things, you'll just have to go for it and take it from there.
Ron don't mean to be rude but if your idea of " beautiful" is the yellow Suzuki maybe a Roadsters not the bike for you .. they look nothing alike .. just my thoughts.
Ron don't mean to be rude but if your idea of " beautiful" is the yellow Suzuki maybe a Roadsters not the bike for you .. they look nothing alike .. just my thoughts.

It's not your decision as to what I should choose just because you happen to think my bike is ugly. There are plenty of people out there who think the Roadster is ugly as hell, why should my opinion and taste decide what others should have? I happen to like ugly bikes.
You're right of course, Ron, yet people still come on here and ask if they should buy a Rocket. Go figure.

Theres nothing wrong with asking, people come onto my M109 forum all the time asking if they should by a M109 based on what their current needs are. For example, if a sports bike rider comes on the forum and has never ridden a cruiser before, and wants to take a Rocket or M109R on the twisty roads of wherever and race Yamaha R1's, then yeah we are going to NOT recommend it based on those needs.

My post on the other hand had specific questions and needs, I just need answers so I can make my own decisions. What other people do or use their rocket for is up to them, but I want to make a smart purchase if I have to give up my bike which happens to be reliable and working well, to go to a bike Ive known nothing about. Its natural to want to ask questions to make sure you are making the right decision, especially when your spending the amount of money that a Rocket Costs.
So what happens when someone says you should buy one and it turns out wrong for you? You going to whinge and complain? I mean, seriously????? Your questions are pointless. You think Suzukis are the only bikes with accessories and electronic manuals? Or that any of us can actually tell you if a Rocket suits YOUR needs better than a 109?

I was trying to be nice up front but quite frankly anyone who can't make up their own mind probably shouldn't own one. You don't sound like the adventurous type and I think the Rocket isn't for you. There. You asked and you have my opinion.

Maybe someone else will be able to tell you what to decide in a way you like, but if you don't want diverse opinions, don't ask the question.

Whizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Richard. That's what I call "hook, line & sinker" Mate. Need another coffee to restart the day?