This social site about motorcycles is a wonderful place to be.
And I am bothered frankly by some of the posts here -- most are positive -- some might come from a drill sergeant -- and that's not what we're about.
Please pay no attention to someone who says "you can't" or "you shouldn't".
I'm not big, and not particularly strong.
Every bike I've ever had has gone down early on as I learned the particular limits and developed my technique for my strength and stature, and it was no different with my Rocket. I was a bit intimidated for about six months, and pushed through it, getting out on the bike, having more experience with where I could go, and gradually expanded my comfort zone with the bike. Even then, on a tour, this is a great bunch of riders. We went up a narrow road and it got to an impassible part where we needed to turn around, and my wife got off, and a couple of guys parked their bikes, and helped me do a multi-point turn. I would ride with them anywhere any time.
The key as one captain (we're all captains here, welcome !) said, is not so much the weight, as the seating height. That's what I found. I had a Suzuki 650 V-Strom, and a Honda ST-1300, and with neither of those bikes could I flat foot it. The Suzuki was light enough it didn't matter so much, but I was never comfortable with it. The ST-1300 was much heavier, and on anything but flat ground, it was a problem, and finally drove me to sell it. When I took the Rocket out the first time for a test ride, the key was I could flat foot it in most cases, and that has made all the difference. Everything else has been fun exploration.
Please try to hook up with other captains in your area, and you too should soon be king of the road.