Is my Rocket III Touring too heavy for me?

And one more big tip that is so easy to do but it's a must to remember .
The Rocket does not lean that far down because the kick stand almost keeps it up right so if your on a slit hill you must make sure you park it on the side the hill or slop on kick stand Side.
If you park it on a hill or slop that on the oppistide side of kick stack your bike will tip over.
When I had my Honda VTX 1800 when you put down the kick stand it leaned over so much I could still park it any way I want on a hill and it will never tip over, but the Rocket you need to be carful or shorten your kick stand so it could lean over more:)

I suspect they did that because the Rocket has a very dramatic tipping point...that being, a point of no return. Because of the top heavy attitude of the bike when it's not moving, it needs to be that way.
At 5ft7in (170cm) and just under 200lb I have rested the bike on its left side once due to thinking the stand was down, but alas, it wasn't, and once it gets past the point of no return, the rest is history. I just squatted next to it, left hand on the left handle bar turned to the left, right hand under the seat and up it came. I didn't think it was beyond any limitations of me and with good footing would definitely be able to do it again. I am 52. Maybe do some dead lifts to strengthen your core strength in case of any future issues. Ride well and stay safe.
So, you just proved that No, the bikes NOT too big for you :cool:

I feel the same way regarding the bikes sheer bulk. I just got my 14 RTR a few weeks ago and have only managed a couple of rides on it as I'm still recovering from major surgery. I parked up outside my local bike dealers service department and I had the sense to park my Rocket in a spot that I could easily get out from... or so I thought. When I was getting ready to leave I saw a guy sitting having a smoke at the service parking lot entrance. I recognised him as the guy who had dropped off his BMW when I arrived. Anyway I pulled out of the parking lot and proceeded to make an absolute idiot of myself trying to mauver this beast onto a narrow road and up hill. Backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards. On and on it went. I tried not to but I couldn't help but make eye contact with 'Mr BMW'. After taking a long incredulous puff on his cigarette I could see his head shaking ever so slightly as he mouthed the words 'Jesus Christ'... I just wanted to die! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Cheers T.
I feel the same way regarding the bikes sheer bulk. I just got my 14 RTR a few weeks ago and have only managed a couple of rides on it as I'm still recovering from major surgery. I parked up outside my local bike dealers service department and I had the sense to park my Rocket in a spot that I could easily get out from... or so I thought. When I was getting ready to leave I saw a guy sitting having a smoke at the service parking lot entrance. I recognised him as the guy who had dropped off his BMW when I arrived. Anyway I pulled out of the parking lot and proceeded to make an absolute idiot of myself trying to mauver this beast onto a narrow road and up hill. Backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards. On and on it went. I tried not to but I couldn't help but make eye contact with 'Mr BMW'. After taking a long incredulous puff on his cigarette I could see his head shaking ever so slightly as he mouthed the words 'Jesus Christ'... I just wanted to die! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Cheers T.

He was probably was thinking about paying 500$ for a oil change. What other people think of you is none of your business or concern. Lol
I feel the same way regarding the bikes sheer bulk. I just got my 14 RTR a few weeks ago and have only managed a couple of rides on it as I'm still recovering from major surgery. I parked up outside my local bike dealers service department and I had the sense to park my Rocket in a spot that I could easily get out from... or so I thought. When I was getting ready to leave I saw a guy sitting having a smoke at the service parking lot entrance. I recognised him as the guy who had dropped off his BMW when I arrived. Anyway I pulled out of the parking lot and proceeded to make an absolute idiot of myself trying to mauver this beast onto a narrow road and up hill. Backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards. On and on it went. I tried not to but I couldn't help but make eye contact with 'Mr BMW'. After taking a long incredulous puff on his cigarette I could see his head shaking ever so slightly as he mouthed the words 'Jesus Christ'... I just wanted to die! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Cheers T.

Sqrew him brother. Who cares what he thinks.
I bought mine 1 day after it iced over in Ft Worth, Feb. 2 years ago - I live 100 miles away so I went to pick it up in a trailer my buddy loaned me. It was the first motorcycle I have owned in over 30 years. I was too intimidated to test ride it, so the guy I bought it from ran it up & down the road in front of me. And of course I was too scared to load it on the trailer so he did that for me also. So my FIRST TIME on the Rocket was unloading it by myself off of the trailer. I was scared, but I knew that I just had to buck up & do it. It worked out fine, & the first few days of riding it... Yea, it took a lot of getting used to. The very first time I rode it out on the road was the Friday after I had bought it on a Saturday, so a week later :rolleyes:
The ice had all melted but as I was pulling into the breakfast location I was meeting friends at before work there was a small patch of black ice & spit it out from under me i did!!!!!!!!! thank God I was just turning into the driveway entrance so I was only going about 5 mph BUT D@MN! Drop it on the very first ride............. :eek:
Now I just ride the shat out of it, but of course it took time to build up to it. 2-3 months you'll be riding proper ;)