Is my Rocket III Touring too heavy for me?

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I am even smaller then you 5 8 1\2 170 pounds I don't have any problem, the only problem I have is that I forget to put my kick stand down when getting off it, did it only three times:) now I don't get off it untill I put down the kick stand and engine shuts off, then I know it's safe to get off.
Engine guards is a must no damage to bike just pride:)
Which means more tire contact on the road, which translates to better traction and breaking power, smart move:thumbsup:

Not necessarily so, Amigo!
Bigger tire = more weight = less braking, handling and more lean angle required in curves.
I have watch the video on how to pick up a bike several times and actually watched several videos years ago. Perhaps the soft tie fastened low around the rear crash bar would help do the trick. I could easily carry one and modify it with a good gripping handle. I think that was part of the problem before...not a good grip that would provide adequate leaverage. I'm going to play around with that idea.

My biggest concern, should it ever happen again, is that no one would be around to help. I need a better plan.
Well, I turn 70 this month and although I work out 5 days a week doing both weights and cardio, it's a no can do for me. Maybe if I tipped it over and practiced I could get the hang of it....not! This would make it really tough...just got my carpal tunnel and trigger finger fixed in the right with the left hand in about 3-4 weeks. Fortunately, it won't be riding weather till April or May.

Let me know how it goes with your trigger finher recovery. I have it on my right hand and have lost a lot of strength in that hand's grip but the thought of surgery is hard to overcome.

By the way, I came across a google search that referenced you and some handlebar grip wind deflectors. Do you craft them? I have been searching for ones that will fit the R3T. My OEM heated grips suck.

That's what I'm talkin about. Mine has the back rest for captain on the double seat. I used that for the hand that he grabbed opposite side bar with

Based on what I've seen here I need the bigger crash bars and rider back rest. There wasn't anything within my grasp to use as leverage while holding the handlebar with one hand.
Greetings Rocketeers!
I have been in awe of the Rocket III for years almost in the same way that I admired the Honda Valkyrie. So I decided to take the plunge and got a 2013 Rocket III Touring with 3,000 miles on the odometer. So the first weekend riding it I threw my back trying to back the bike into the garage (my driveway is almost level).

The next time I took the bike out, as I returned home and was pulling into my driveway at around 10 mph, I hit a pile of leaves and drop the bike (fortunately there was no damage). It took me about 45 minutes to pull the bike up using ropes, ratchets and my wife (haha!). I am not big but not a weakling either (5'9" and 180 lbs.).

I am starting to wonder if it is just too big of a bike for me. I was riding a Yamaha 1100 cruiser before and still have a Can-Am Spyder RT Limited. Would love to keep the Rocket but I am wondering if I would be better off with a Thunderbird Storm or something along those lines.
Hi, I feel comfortable on the R3T 2014. I´m 5`8" 152 lbs Started riding 2006 with a Speedmaster, then 5 years with the T-bird and now
a few years and 14K miles on the rocket, 90% 2-on and I am only 68+ years old
The last bike I dropped was A honda goldwing back in 1997 on Virginia beach blvd. Drunk beyond belief and had no business being on a bike. Pulled up to a light and forgot to place a foot on the ground. Pinned under the bike two Navy types pulled the bike off of me and parked the bike in a parking lot and took me home. The Rocket earned my respect the first time I sat on it. Very careful about where and how I park the bike. Do the same with the Harley but even more carefull with the Rocket. Attempting to back the Rocket up in a awkward parked position especially with the car tire on the back is just asking for trouble. I live down a dirt road and have a rather steep driveway (if you want to call it that) to pull into and leave by. Great care and caution is used daily. We will leave it at that do not want to bring any bad luck.
Let me know how it goes with your trigger finher recovery. I have it on my right hand and have lost a lot of strength in that hand's grip but the thought of surgery is hard to overcome.

By the way, I came across a google search that referenced you and some handlebar grip wind deflectors. Do you craft them? I have been searching for ones that will fit the R3T. My OEM heated grips suck.


The trigger finger and carpal tunnel were a piece of cake. Took about 20-30 minutes. They were just a little sore like having a couple cuts, but quite frankly not bad at all. Then again, I had a good hand surgeon do the job. I will say....I had a little swelling show up in my wrist around day 5 after the surgery and that has been more of a problem than the surgery. Kind of like having a sprained wrist for a couple three days. The tips of my middle fingers were numb and I was starting to lose some muscle in my thumb from the carpal tunnel. The left hand is next and I can't wait.

As for my wind deflectors, they actually fasten/clamp to the windshield. I have enough parts to make up 5 sets. The plastic deflectors are now neatly laser cut and I have made a few changes to the clamps. They are pretty effective in cold weather. I helped @Bob R make a set up on an earlier effort and @Joesmoe has the newer ideas incorporated in a set. I'll be getting some feedback from Joesmoe in the future. I plan to see what the interest is before I try offering them here or on eBay. They are not super cheap to make, but if you are interested you can message me about them. When I get them put together, I'll post a few pictures of the final product. Just waiting on the hand to heal at the moment.