Unless you are actually making other changes, mate, even minor ones such as filters, and removing secondaries, the TORS tune would be all you need. I'd pop the bike into a dealer if it was me and have them load it. Shouldn't cost much. If however you're doing anything else you might want to go the Tune ECU route, but I get the feeling you'd rather keep things simple. I've always had just the TORS tune in my bike and it ran perfect for me - although I did connect a Dobeck to add a bit more fuel when I started making other changes. I thought I'd give the tuning caper a go when I got the CES headers and currently have a 'custom' tune loaded which actually has made it run worse
I'll be changing back to the stock TORS tune as soon as I get the chance ie as soon as I can get someone to do it for me (yes, I like it simple too