This is a thread starter.
I ordered the cams at the first of the year, after talking about it for the better part of three years. You will NOT hear me say this is the best -- except after all considerations, including my nearing-retirement piggy bank -- this seems to be the sweet spot for me, my lovely spouse, and the machine.
The cams are suggested (no claims here as there are too many variables beyond the control of the seller) to offer an increase of 8-10 hp.
And they are just cams -- no other performance work to the bike is anticipated, leaving all the valve train and lower engine as is.
I have no idea yet, but I suspect, the actual hp gain will be much greater than that thanks to the preparation. What ? (you ask)
Think about painting around a house. People who know nothing about it, buy paint, throw it on, and well, that's how it looks.
Folks who have some experience with painting, understand the wisdom behind the saying, "Painting is 90% preparation." Do all that, and the finished product is much better.
So Mr. Lush suggests I might get seven hp. Then in the conversation (and he is a wonderful interlocutor) it becomes pretty clear that the suggestion is way understated, *IF* one does all the other things he suggests (a common refrain on this site) of having the motor programming optimized for one's particular configuration.
In other words, had I managed (which I haven't - hence the greater expectations) to do all the possible preparation to the bike -- optimized already -- then installed the cams and re-optimized -- then perhaps I would have only looked at a mild increase. And one could say that such a mild increase might not be worth the money. In my case, had it not been for going with these cams, I would likely never have achieved optimization (a strong case for all those captains who choose to remain stock, or just go with TORS), so in my case, the cost per horse power increase is likely to be quite reasonable, as I expect the denominator to much greater in reality than what is suggested.
Photos coming (yeah I know, or it didn't happen).
Again, many thanks to folks who have helped thus far.