Actually the tyres we are using are the top end sports car tyres which actually do flex and with the correct pressure in it I'll put it up against a Metzler any day It will hang on when the metz is struggling and starting to slide. With the correct presure in it even when it appears to be a lot in the air it actually is giving you a bigger footprint than a bike tyre... as Jet man said don't write them of till you try one, also my insurance company does not have a problem with it as long as it is not the cause of the accident and a guy I know who has crashed his Rocket twice and is with the same insurance company has had his claims paid both times

Oh and yes you do lose a little bit of HP but at least you can use it, I do ride hard and it is not uncommon to have the front starting to lift before I come back up straight in the twisties with the metz I used to get wild slides.. I know which I prefer