ignition switch issue

the headlights high current draw is what takes out the ignition switch i put on two relays and switched it to battery draw.
there are a lot of relocation switches most work good until they don't.
whether or not it will help can't say until i see the info on it.
eastern beaver kit uses smaller relays and probably can only be purchased from eb is eb still around?
installed mine a long long time ago and still running good miles around 60,000 miles.
there are a lot of old threads on this if you can find in the search box.
DECOSSE USED TO MAKE THE (SORRY CAPS) set ups but had some trouble finding good parts.

Ok thanks turbo .. yeah EB are still going I found the R3 specific kit (no thanks to guru mongler 😜) might buy it but I'd rather find out what those relays are so I can make my own up .
My '11 Roadster ignition went out, but I was able to salvage it. I did a homemade Eastern Beaver kit (probably not necessary on the '11 and a waste of time, but didn't know any better at that time). It was a real PIA and afterwards decided the savings vs amount of time wasn't worth it. If you can still get one from EB do that....
Thanks for the advice and link, I know what you mean about time and hassle Vs money but 90 quid for a pair of relays is a bit much for my budget especially as I do a similar thing for a living lol .... I'm still in decided