Ignition... Fuel injection MAP HICCUP misfire???

You can check the sensor for voltage sticking, sometimes it's visible in TuneECU.

Bike on, engine not running, TuneECU up.
Slowly roll throttle open whilst watching the TPS voltage, if it smoothly climbs in voltage as you open it may be ok, if it jumps around or hangs at a specific voltage, it's definitely bad.
So this might be a dumb question.... Can i swap the TPS from the 2ndaires ? i know they are not the same part number... but they look the same! Often times parts like that are the same part, just in a different place.
So this might be a dumb question.... Can i swap the TPS from the 2ndaires ? i know they are not the same part number... but they look the same! Often times parts like that are the same part, just in a different place.

they work compleatly ass backwards from the primary tps
So then just swap the wires!.... jk
I figured!

no no
primary voltage reads from low volts closed to high volts (about 5 volts) wot
secondaary tps reads from about 5 volts closed to somewhere around 1 volt open
no way you can use any part of it.
Well... that's confusing
I did the adjustment
It was at 0.591 at rest, dis the prosses and set it to 0.679.

Now the part that disnt match what you said, at full twist of the throttle it is 4.0 volts of I go hard enough.

i tried twisting the throttle as slow as i could and the voltage read out is very smooth. I did it quite a few times. Nothing jumpy at all.
I did this twice and the 3rd test it stayed at 0.679. With 0% throttle

No change in the problem.
I dont want to waste $140 bucks if this part is still good.
Why would this tps issue be only in 2nd gear and not in all gears?
Maybe i did it wrong, now that im reading up on this, i was adjusting the right thing, BUT the write up is misleading to what i am doing! What do you mean by 0.68v when "OPEN"