Idle is over 2700 rpm Help

It would surge under idle. When checked in TuneECU they were all 3 different. I have had the bike a year (brand new bike) and never touched any of this till now. I did mess with the throttle plate bolt ( I think that's what it called) could i have gotten that out of wack?
Steel I could give you my address and you could ride up tomorrow... lol No need for that but would love to see your bike sometime
Back off the bolt and see if the idle goes down. You shouldn't have to mess with it, as you can adjust the idle via TuneEcu. Just for ****z n giggles look at your map to make sure it wasn't changed. Sometimes reloading the map helps too.

I'd love to go over and take a look. I like the riding up there. But I'm way up in the north east for work.
2018 so TPS's & Stepper motor should be fine. TPS is at .6 so OK there.
See page 1 in my link about the 5mm gap in the stepper arm and roller. Do the check after double clicking ISCV and get that nut back where it was so the gap is correct if its off.

Did you adjust the Secondary TPS at all?

Other things:
Is everything clean and oiled in the throttle cable and spring area? WD40 is your friend.
Side story, probably not relevant to your situation but I once had a june bug get lodged up in those works and idle went to over 2K. Thought I lost my TPS...

I actually had a defective stepper motor and disconnected it 2 years ago and now I set my idle manually but there should be a write up about getting some lubricant under the rubber seal so the plunger works properly. 2018 shouldn't need it and it was working before you fixed it but it can't hurt.
I saw were Claviger was talking about disabling the ISCV in TuneECU and doing Manual tune. How do set the manually if it comes down to it?
Back off the bolt and see if the idle goes down. You shouldn't have to mess with it, as you can adjust the idle via TuneEcu. Just for ****z n giggles look at your map to make sure it wasn't changed. Sometimes reloading the map helps too.

I'd love to go over and take a look. I like the riding up there. But I'm way up in the north east for work.
Thank you, I will start fresh in the morning if i can ever fall asleep. I keep running through everything in my head. Be careful up there and stay safe
Before you start with the TuneEcu settings, I would suggest to loosen both throttle cables as much as possible. After that you can start with adjusting the ISCV stepper at 0.50mm and the primary TPS at 0.60/72V.
Regards, Georg
From what I have read it sounds like you are doing the ISCV reset wrong. If there is not vacuum leaks which from the tune ecu screen all 3 cylinders look close. Not sure if they were that close or out further. If one is way out it would point to a vacuum leak. If you mess with the throttle close stop screw ( some people actually think its a idle adjustment screw I asure you it is not and if you jack with it you can adjust it so much you will not be able to do the ISCV reset because the nut on the stepper motor will be so far out it will be loose on the threads. If anyone tells you to turn a screw and see if the idle changes that is someone you should not listen to :) sorry if thats upsetting to some. Also the .5mm setting is a initial setting WHEN YOU ARE INSTALLING A NEW STEPPER MOTOR!!!!!!! It is a preliminary setting only. That is set before you have tune ecu linked to the bike because the stepper motor is not even plugged in yet!!!!!! As for the throttle cables they should have 3mm freeplay. Pull cable is checked at the hand grip. Return cable is checked down where it is mounted above the cable wheel.
If it's a 2018, isn't it still under warranty. Tell them it started hunting and acting up? Are you close to a dealer?
I saw were Claviger was talking about disabling the ISCV in TuneECU and doing Manual tune. How do set the manually if it comes down to it?

I would focus on untinkering your tinkering for now. LOL
The big guns are on the case now and I'm confident it can be sorted as-is.
I saw were Claviger was talking about disabling the ISCV in TuneECU and doing Manual tune. How do set the manually if it comes down to it?
Its a 2018 bike so I suspect its fine you just have something mucked up. Its to new for anything to be bad unless you tightened the TPS to much which is doubtful. Ill have to go back and look but do you have something like the ram air or triple filters on it or the original air box system?
. If anyone tells you to turn a screw and see if the idle changes that is someone you should not listen to :) sorry if thats upsetting to some. ⁹.
Not the way I'd normally suggest, but if you read his post I was responding to, he said that he had already messed with it. My idea was just to see if he had caused the issue by the adjustment.