Idle is over 2700 rpm Help

i have told myself to stay out of it but here i am.
u have been receiving advice from a lot of guys that know what they r doing :thumbsup:
i think that u have it mucked up and i am going to try to explain some of the info u have received.
#1 with ignition off do u have the (approximate 5mm clearance between the stepper motor rod and the throttle roller?
i am going to assume that u have the clearance and if u do unplug the stepper motor connector. (with ign off)
at this point the throttle plates should be resting against the throttle stop (which should never be touched unless u r a good mechanic)
assuming the throttle plates r on the stop and the stepper motor is disconnected turn on ignition and set primary tps to 0.60 volts. then reconnect the stepper motor and see if it is close to 0.72 volts with ignition on .
if u do this it should run correct if not post the results.
???????????? 5 mm gap thats almost a 1/8 inch more the Triumph says which is .50 mm. I don't know where you're going with this but I dissagree and will now shut my mouth as I'm not trying to upset anyone.
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i have told myself to stay out of it but here i am.
u have been receiving advice from a lot of guys that know what they r doing :thumbsup:
i think that u have it mucked up and i am going to try to explain some of the info u have received.
#1 with ignition off do u have the (approximate 5mm clearance between the stepper motor rod and the throttle roller?
i am going to assume that u have the clearance and if u do unplug the stepper motor connector. (with ign off)
at this point the throttle plates should be resting against the throttle stop (which should never be touched unless u r a good mechanic)
assuming the throttle plates r on the stop and the stepper motor is disconnected turn on ignition and set primary tps to 0.60 volts. then reconnect the stepper motor and see if it is close to 0.72 volts with ignition on .
if u do this it should run correct if not post the results.

Hi then I followed this video
Where practically it shows that without disconnecting the stepper motor it makes the adjustment of both the primary tps and the stepper motor.
You instead in addition to measuring 0.5 mm do this (correct me if I misunderstood):
- Ignezione off disconnect the stepper motor
- switch on and use the tunecu to adjust the primary tps
- with everything activated during the adjustment phase, reconnect the stepper motor and see the adjustment via tunecu?

nothing happens to reconnect the motor while the motorcycle has the ignition on?
Had the same problem. TPS adjustment didn't help. Reason was in vacuum pipe near one of fuel injectors: there was a hole, addictional air passed through. After changing this pipe problem disappeared.
[QUOTE = "Dzhaks, post: 706311, membro: 7879"]
Ho avuto lo stesso problema. La regolazione del TPS non ha aiutato. Il motivo era nel tubo del vuoto vicino a uno degli iniettori di carburante: c'era un buco, l'aria addizionale passava attraverso. Dopo aver modificato questo problema alla pipe è scomparso.



wow! but intent the tube named N°5, have you changed all 3?
is it a long job? or easily accessible?
[QUOTE = "Dzhaks, post: 706311, membro: 7879"]
Ho avuto lo stesso problema. La regolazione del TPS non ha aiutato. Il motivo era nel tubo del vuoto vicino a uno degli iniettori di carburante: c'era un buco, l'aria addizionale passava attraverso. Dopo aver modificato questo problema alla pipe è scomparso.



wow! but intent the tube named N°5, have you changed all 3?
is it a long job? or easily accessible?
One of them had been damaged, so, I changed one. It was avaylible even without removing bear claw.

I didn't buy the same tube for Rocket, i found similiar tube in nearest autoparts shop.
One of them had been damaged, so, I changed one. It was avaylible even without removing bear claw.

I didn't buy the same tube for Rocket, i found similiar tube in nearest autoparts shop.
ok then it should change easily!
Thanks for sharing your experience
???????????? 5 mm gap thats almost a 1/8 inch more the Triumph says which is .50 mm. I don't know where you're going with this but I dissagree and will now shut my mouth as I'm not trying to upset anyone.

thanks for finding my mistake that i missed putting the point in there. (should have been .5mm instead of 5mm)
never stop posting because of me or anyone else we all value your opinion very much.
where i am going with this
i was thinking that he may have had the stepper motor adjusted out to far and that he might have set the tps without having the stepper motor retracted.
edit the info below is wrong 5/15/20
anyway i got to carried away
. i should have just asked if he had the approximate .5mm with the engine off ign off.
i am the one that should never do a post after i have worked all day i seem to get myself into trouble. i am sorry if upset anyone
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I believe the stepper motor is very important. So important I gave a brand new one to Warp9 after recommendations from the man in the tin shed. Bike has ran great and idles great after getting the **** thing disconnected. A little gas starting the bike and let it run a minute and off you go.
thanks for finding my mistake that i missed putting the point in there. (should have been .5mm instead of 5mm)
never stop posting because of me or anyone else we all value your opinion very much.
where i am going with this
i was thinking that he may have had the stepper motor adjusted out to far and that he might have set the tps without having the stepper motor retracted.
anyway i got to carried away. i should have just asked if he had the approximate .5mm with the engine off ign off.
i am the one that should never do a post after i have worked all day i seem to get myself into trouble. i am sorry if upset anyone
I post then go back several times to correct my fumbled finger plus illiterate mistakes. I should have finished high school :) I kind of thought you might have made a typo. Anyway a couple other things confused me
If you disconnect the stepper motor, bam engine code as soon as you turn the key on and try. If the stepper motor has not been commanded to fully retract or was even able to home. setting the TPS to .60 would be like doing a full iscv reset and then changing the throttle reference point or the tps voltage? That has not been stored because you just randomly moved the tps voltage. And not let the ISCV reset funtion adapt. I think the key here is the first double click on ISCV reset and a window pops up asking if you want to do this. You click yes and then from the reset program a signal tells the ecu to signal the stepper motor to fully retract. That allows the throttle plates to totally close on the throttle stop. Then you set the inital voltage at .60 +/- .02 volts. Once you've done this you double click again which moves the stepper motor shaft out a distance equal to .12 volts +/- .05 volts
And you verify the correct amount of throttle movement and adjust if needed. Then double click again so the computer sets it home compensation. It says adapting. I know you can run the bike and jack the idle up with the screw as some have done. Lets ponder on a few things like it works great ya just have to hold the throttle open for a little bit while it warms up. (That statement alone screams its not working right.) It's just jurry rigged. Especially if you try to think why does the stepper motor cycle as soon as you turn the key on? Because its taking information from AIT, the barametric sensor/for altitude and engine block heat temperature to set the proper idle (remember it does not have a choke) so anyway in my opinion thats like buying a multi million dollar CNC machine and using it as a conventional manual machine. Makes me wonder if those initialization readings are used elsewhere in the ecu. And if so did we or do we just erase those integers out of the equation the ecu uses to calculate other things? And by doing this does the ecu replace these missing signals with some lame limp numbers? Does this affect any other ecu calculations? So does this mean if the lamba sensor fails a little man jumps out to tell you something is wrong especially if the check engine light is already on. Heck you can unhook the wire to the oil pressure light and still run the engine. I mean its got pressure we can just throw a piece of electrician tape over that light too. You don't need it you'll know you have problems when the motor seizes ;) anyway sometimes we just need to look past our noses before we walk into a chair. Even blind people use a stick to supplement the loss of site. I apologize if anyone takes this wrong and is upset for it is not what I am trying to do. I'm just interjecting some thoughts into the discussion. Oh and if we do this to the new advanced Rocket 3 are we not eliminating the advaced stuff we just paid a extra 10,000 dollars for?
I post then go back several times to correct my fumbled finger plus illiterate mistakes. I should have finished high school :) I kind of thought you might have made a typo. Anyway a couple other things confused me
If you disconnect the stepper motor, bam engine code as soon as you turn the key on and try. If the stepper motor has not been commanded to fully retract or was even able to home. setting the TPS to .60 would be like doing a full iscv reset and then changing the throttle reference point or the tps voltage? That has not been stored because you just randomly moved the tps voltage. And not let the ISCV reset funtion adapt. I think the key here is the first double click on ISCV reset and a window pops up asking if you want to do this. You click yes and then from the reset program a signal tells the ecu to signal the stepper motor to fully retract. That allows the throttle plates to totally close on the throttle stop. Then you set the inital voltage at .60 +/- .02 volts. Once you've done this you double click again which moves the stepper motor shaft out a distance equal to .12 volts +/- .05 volts
And you verify the correct amount of throttle movement and adjust if needed. Then double click again so the computer sets it home compensation. It says adapting. I know you can run the bike and jack the idle up with the screw as some have done. Lets ponder on a few things like it works great ya just have to hold the throttle open for a little bit while it warms up. (That statement alone screams its not working right.) It's just jurry rigged. Especially if you try to think why does the stepper motor cycle as soon as you turn the key on? Because its taking information from AIT, the barametric sensor/for altitude and engine block heat temperature to set the proper idle (remember it does not have a choke) so anyway in my opinion thats like buying a multi million dollar CNC machine and using it as a conventional manual machine. Makes me wonder if those initialization readings are used elsewhere in the ecu. And if so did we or do we just erase those integers out of the equation the ecu uses to calculate other things? And by doing this does the ecu replace these missing signals with some lame limp numbers? Does this affect any other ecu calculations? So does this mean if the lamba sensor fails a little man jumps out to tell you something is wrong especially if the check engine light is already on. Heck you can unhook the wire to the oil pressure light and still run the engine. I mean its got pressure we can just throw a piece of electrician tape over that light too. You don't need it you'll know you have problems when the motor seizes ;) anyway sometimes we just need to look past our noses before we walk into a chair. Even blind people use a stick to supplement the loss of site. I apologize if anyone takes this wrong and is upset for it is not what I am trying to do. I'm just interjecting some thoughts into the discussion. Oh and if we do this to the new advanced Rocket 3 are we not eliminating the advaced stuff we just paid a extra 10,000 dollars for?

Yes i agree with everything u said :thumbsup:
my original statement about disconnecting the stepper motor was meant as a check only and it would set a code and i did not explain that. i should have stopped at checking the gap with eng off ign off to see if the stepper motor was way out of adjustment.
i also do believe that the stepper motor should be adjusted correct and never be removed from a street machine.
i will go one step farther and say (just my opinion) that the O2 sensor should never be turned off on a street machine.
and to explain the O2 would take a lot of paragraphs.