I wonder if it makes a difference if I ----------------------------------?

Arrh to be sure , until a beautiful Spanish rose put one across your bough and kept your leash short enough to prevent too many dastardly deeds ! Hope your well my friend , apart from the bells and love to your Spanish queen !
I hate ear plugs! I'm always afraid I am going to miss hearing something that I should be hearing... like the the rear wheel coming loose. Anyway, I wear them when I'm doing a long ride at higher speeds. I don't really know why as I have badly abused my old drums for over 70 years and can still hear pretty good. Sometimes, more than I would like.

I bought a new Schuberth M1 helmet on sale from Revzilla with built in mics and speakers as well as the Cardio snap in communicator. I like that style helmet and have a similar style in a HJC. Its pretty cool, sounds great, the audio is way louder than I need and hopefully quieter than the HJC. I'm going to try some tunes and be able to Bluetooth to my phone for receiving and making calls (which I seldom will be doing). The only problem is...the helmet is so expensive I'll be afraid to leave it on my bike like I did the cheap HJC. I guess the new rule is...the helmet goes where I go.

My HJC was quieter with the shield up than with it down which I found strange. The M1 is a much tighter fit around the face and neck which should help. I wonder why someone hasn't come up with some noise cancelling audio you can play in your helmet that reduces noise. I mean they do it with headphones...why not helmets?
@barbagris as far as buffeting I found this video and the idea of taping yarn to the windscreen genius. Kinda ticks me off I did not think of it.

As far as ear plugs I got some from the gun store. Not sure the brand but they work.

@barbagris as far as buffeting I found this video and the idea of taping yarn to the windscreen genius. Kinda ticks me off I did not think of it.

As far as ear plugs I got some from the gun store. Not sure the brand but they work.

Interesting....I would warn against taping anything to your windshield. It has been my experience most "original manufacture" windshields have a ultra thin protective coating on them. If you apply tape and the remove it even after a little bit it will pull that protective skin off. It will be obvious and it will look like hell. I've seen this several times. I have not found this to be the case with after market windshields but you should check with the company first before applying any tape.

Had that thought and used blue painters tape with no affect. Plus I do not leave it on there for any period of time.