Hey, pal, I'm not trying to change your mind as that ship sailed from the get go. What I will continue to do is to provide bona fide facts (not opinions or anecdotal "evidence") for any person that inquires about the differences between running CTs vs MTs on this or any other bike. You and some of your fellow "darkside" acolytes are very cavalier at dispensing incorrect and potentially dangerous information to any or all who will swallow said information whole, as if it's the gospel or to the extent of representing car tires on motorcycles as being bulletproof from a safety standpoint, which they absolutely are not.
Frankly, such ill-founded advice could get this board sued someday on the grounds of contributing to a rider's, passenger's or other accident victim's death or dire injury due to catastrophic tire separation, something that is a distinct possibility when you mismatch tires and/or rims that are designed or intended for cars only or motorcycles only due to totally different wheel or tire bead designs. Should that ever happen, trust me, there's a very high probability that this site would cease to exist and some of the individuals here who have posted up erroneous information could find their butts in a sling, too, as contingently liable defendants.
Every single respected expert in all related fields to tire design, engineering and safety attest to the singular point that car tires are not safe to run on motorcycle wheels an, further, that they will significantly impair reaction times in emergency situations and that they will dramatically diminish the overall handling and manuevering of any motorcycle. Can people ride motorcycles on car tires? Sure they can and do. Does that invalidate the facts or point to all true experts on the subject being involved in a conspiracy theory to keep motorcyclists from riding on motorcycle tires? Well, that question is unworthy of a serious answer.
I'm confident that if you look back at my postings on this subject extending back for years, I consistently have acknowledged that this is each individual's choice to make and I really do not care and the end of the day what you or anyone else chooses to put on their motorcycle. I do care that people have sound information on all sides of a topic that they are curious about, especially on a topic that intrinsically involves motorcyle safety, so that they can make informed and, hopefully intelligent decisions for themselves. There's nothing I can do to prevent anyone from making their choice independently - whether it's good, bad or indifferent. So stick a sock in it or abide in other's sound opinions and/or facts, because they will not cease to be presented.
Ride on!