Hydraulic clutch release went pop


Hopefully the Triumph Nissin master cyl will displace a little more, giving a better pressure plate lift.

The mastercylinderpiston should be displacing just enough fluid(volume) Too less,no shifting,too much, the slaveshaft will possibly hit the cap inside.
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Fitted a treat and there was a marked improvement in the clutch action ,contours of the master cylinder wrapped around the bars
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I also did that with the slave nut, but I dislike all the "coercion" the kit needs to fit. So I will use the Buell nut, if it works as it should.

My shaft/nut is static, the pressure plate spins around it, on the bearing.

Also there is clearance between my lock nut and the slave cap when the lever is pulled, also the recess in the cap, to allow for greater slave stroke.

Fitted a treat and there was a marked improvement in the clutch action ,contours of the master cylinder wrapped around the bars

Thanks mike. @ant also has the old Daytona 900 MC, the one I ordered off a 1200 tiger is probably the same unit. Glad it works well
Not more problems...When my TTS kit arrived and i saw that big chrome master cylinder my first thought was that needs to go in the bin.
The Daytona unit works and looks much better than that cheap and nasty thing.
[QUOTE="R-III-R Turbo:'My shaft/nut is static, the pressure plate spins around it, on the bearing.'

Hereby a pic of my former oberon sleeve. according to the pic ,when pressure is released shaft will possibly yet spinning.


  • Oberon.jpg
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Further to this thread, and for future information for those installing TTS S/C kits......throw the supplied hydraulic clutch slave cylinder in the bin!......cheap Chinese crap.

Was out riding just before Christmas.....180km from home.....120kph coming into a small town...braked and went to change down.....NO F%$K'N Clutch!....cost me AU$500 to get the bike picked up and towed home on a lovely Sunday afternoon :-(

Half my fault....I looked at that **** part and thought gee that looks light on....but put it anyway....will put the right part in this time....oh well we live and learn!