I've lost many friends over the years, but Mike was special. He was my close buddy for over 50 years.
Together we worked, rode motors, drank, smoked & cared for each other.
So sudden and so unexpected!
I am devastated.
Sorry for puking my guts & gratitude for listening.
Thank you very much!
My buddy's death has caused me to question my own time left and my bucket list is looooong, so I'm planning a trip to OZ and the excitement generated is really helping.
My words fail me trying to express what this thread means to me! Twas very late, I was down & hurting, sitting catatonic in my easy chair with nowhere to go when I posted here of my sudden loss. Somehow I must have known the depth of true understanding & caring I would receive from my Motor Brothers on this here forum.
Tis wet-eyed I sit here astounded at the five pages of your thoughts & condolences! I now truly understand what a unique, eclectic & heartfelt group of brother motor rider you all are to me!
Right to left - Mike, his brother, Chris & I.
Mike & I rode to Prince George, Canada to meet Chris, who fley in with his plane. My old KAW 1000 LTD in foreground.
@Idaho Red Rocket 3 Bill,
I was working undercover then and lost a bet. Man perms were the rage and I was given a choice to shave bald - I chose the perm.