How To: Fit TTS Supercharger Kit (photo heavy)

Awesome very well documented thanks for taking the time, it's been on the wishlist for a long while, I only live a few hours from the TTS factory in the UK , didn't realise there was so much involved on install which has paused me in my tracks thankfully your other YouTube clips have helped me along the way with other tasks... Cheers
hydraulic clutch lever is a cheap chinese(?) piece of s***. After some time the leverpressure suddenly is gone. And at that moment you will see, there you are, on a road in the middle of nowhere.
hydraulic clutch lever is a cheap chinese(?) piece of s***. After some time the leverpressure suddenly is gone. And at that moment you will see, there you are, on a road in the middle of nowhere.

Please read link at bottom of step 81.

That time my clutch issues did concern both parts but here I meant the master. as chinese s*** But the oberon was also a nice piece of work.
That time my clutch issues did concern both parts but here I meant the master. as chinese s*** But the oberon was also a nice piece of work.

Yes that thread also covers the master, where the TTS supplied one was found to be an Alibaba, Wish special, the el cheapo we called it, and a few guys had replaced theirs with other alternatives. Me for example moved to a Triumph one from a 2014 Tiger Explorer 1200.
I moved to a Brembo one, less lever pinchforce too ,despite stronger clutchplatesprings. Another thing to beware of was (mine issue) the oberon slavecylinder was creating a vacuum under the closed tts cap ,so in time engineoil was sucking in along the slavecylinderseals. I did sort it out by fixing a airbypass on the cap.