How to derestrict 2012 Roadster using TuneECU

Hanso, Last question.... AFter I upload the map into the ECU, you say to do the "Reset Adaptives" .... what happens at this point, does the motor need to be turned on? or is it something that just happens quickly and then what do I need to look for? How do I know the "Reset Adaptives" have completed?

Is it necessary to do that 12 minute tune after?
In the online printable manuals expand last page I think (at work so can not check) it tells you something like this - after upload new tune turn ign off and back on leave on for 10 seconds, switch off then back on wait for flashing red then orange then green to come on select "reset adaptive" from "ECU" menu at top of screen, it will then ask you to confirm select "yes" the stepper motor and other things will make whir and clicking sounds, at this point your adaptive a are set a zero you can as the manual suggest do the 12 min tune to set up new adaptive's. I have tried it that way and also not doing the 12 min tune and can't say I feel it is mess art as the bike will set its adaptive's itself over a 15 to 20 minute ride, it is up to you
No, they can't.

My dealer has already tried to do that.
My dealer told me that they would only load the map made for the serial number on my engine when I had the TORs installed and asked for the 2014 map. I'm guessing I ended up with the 2012 map for TORs.

Ricochet, glad you posted the question. Make sure you give us a report on the old butt dyno when you get her sorted out. Curious to see if you can feel the difference.
So I finally uploaded my derestricted tune to my bike. Uploaded no problem, and reset adaptations. Fuel Guage turned Back to 0 but other then that it started up and runs great after a 12 minute tune.

It's hard to describe but it actually feels like the engine runs smoother and also roars a lot easier in the lower gears even with out giving much throttle. Bike seems to run hot but that could be because it's 30c today and just noticing it more.

My fuel gauge is showing a very generous amount with this last fill up. Does derestricting improve gas mileage?
Glad It went Well not sure about your fuel gauge but with a little more fuel the motor will produce a bit more torque so that will improve fuel economy if as you say it has a bit more pep with less throttle
So I finally uploaded my derestricted tune to my bike. Uploaded no problem, and reset adaptations. Fuel Guage turned Back to 0 but other then that it started up and runs great after a 12 minute tune.

It's hard to describe but it actually feels like the engine runs smoother and also roars a lot easier in the lower gears even with out giving much throttle. Bike seems to run hot but that could be because it's 30c today and just noticing it more.

My fuel gauge is showing a very generous amount with this last fill up. Does derestricting improve gas mileage?

Glad you've got it done. Checked my mileage and I'm running in the low to mid 40's with country road riding.
So I finally uploaded my derestricted tune to my bike. Uploaded no problem, and reset adaptations. Fuel Guage turned Back to 0 but other then that it started up and runs great after a 12 minute tune.

It's hard to describe but it actually feels like the engine runs smoother and also roars a lot easier in the lower gears even with out giving much throttle. Bike seems to run hot but that could be because it's 30c today and just noticing it more.

My fuel gauge is showing a very generous amount with this last fill up. Does derestricting improve gas mileage?

When you deristricted, did you change the fuel mixture settings, or only open the second throttle?