How to clean burned material of the exhaust headers?

If you do use a penny (in the US) make sure it's BEFORE 1982!
If your Lincoln Memorial penny has a date before 1982, it is made of 95% copper. If the date is 1983 or later, it is made of 97.5% zinc and plated with a thin copper coating.1982saw both types as they were switching over.
Have a tar spot, other methods lightened, not gone.
Found a penny walking. 1983. Darn.
I've always used the cold Easy Off oven cleaner with never a problem. Spray on and leave alone for 24 hours. Then wipe off.
Will not harm the finish!
I will try next time. Worked my arse off last time rubbing with never dull. Time before came off easy with warm pipes. Not this time! Not all tar created equal! Did not have penny before 1953, or was it 43.Thanks for posting.
I turned the engine on after couple minute later seen smoke coming of the headers, once the engine was turned off there was burned material all over the exhaust header!!! its hard and dark.... How do I clean it?

Thank you.
Fine grit sand paper