How screwed am I?

Bob R

Living Legend
Jul 30, 2012
Pahrump, NV
2013 R3T
Trying to be a owner who actually does maintenance I figured 6 years was time to change the fuel filter. It actually went well until reassembly. My torque wrench decided it wanted to fail . Torque was set right I never got a click. So I snapped a couple studs. So how bad did I screw the pooch and I am open to any repair suggestions. I am beyond pissed, came in my internet is down and I think I tore a bicep tendon. What a great frickin day.


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No judgement, but was torque wrench inch or foot lbs.

Try an easy out to drill them out. If you can’t find all stock in right size, let me know. I had to replace my gas tank, which I made into hanging light. If you, or anyone can explain how to remove from tank, I will send the replacements.
They are studs that stick up through a metal piece. A bit of a bump, not sure I can get under there to replace them.

it was Nm. :(

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A Dremel tool cut slots remove the busted ends replace with new studs with a washer
You got a idea there only my bet is after you cut and insert new stud i bet a good tig welder can close the plat up. In fact i would think as long as you remove the fuel and vapors. One couls soften all the tac welds on the flange remove it istall or fix the to offending bolts and tac her bak on where she was. Sonny perhaps good lend his experienced welder opinion.
A Dremel tool cut slots remove the busted ends replace with new studs with a washer

That's exactly what I would do. I don't even think they are studs. They look like metric bolts with shallow hexagonal heads. Cut slots in the retainer plate to slide the bolts out then slide replacements in place. You could leave the slots as is or secure from sliding out during assembly with Devcon Plastic Steel if so inclined.

Just make sure the tank is super clean before grinding.