How old is too old for an old man to be riding a R3R.

Hummm, well, at 64, the only complaint I have, besides the arthritis, is when I'm buzzing along at say 70/80 mph, with a "T" shirt on, and I look over to either side, and notice these "chicken wings" flapping in the wind! Guess it's time for long sleeve shirts!
If it feels good let em flap. Just keep up the strength to hold on to the beast.
Yes indeed !!! Im 53 and I dont plan on slowing down either!!!
I'll be 63 in January, and just got my R3R a couple of weeks ago.

I'm not planning on quitting any time soon (or later, for that matter).

I'll be 63 in January, and just got my R3R a couple of weeks ago.

I'm not planning on quitting any time soon (or later, for that matter).

75 on July 12 still enjoy wheelies and a leaning app says my lean angles go to 32 degrees Made custom exhaust from scratch last year Dyno says 153 HP with 175 torque I Was Expert road racer in Canada in 70s Will enjoy many trips this summer including ride from Montreal to the Nova Scotia’s Cabot Trail A Rocket Roadster can make me smile like a teenager
The feeling never goes away Take heart you aging Rocketers
Torki Pig
Welcome to you!

Go to "introduce yourself" and start your own thread so we can all welcome you!
This here is a very old thread and goes wayback to 2013.
My balance riding at a crawl isn't as good as it use to be, 71 I go a lot faster than that. I can still throw a leg over it and ride. I guess a lot of ot depends on your health. Overall mine is still good so I think I'll keep riding. I've learned not to pull in on a downward incline and I could use a reverse assist, but other than that... I'm good.