How old is too old for an old man to be riding a R3R.

You are never to old, as long as you can get it off the kick stand, unless you have the landing gear install, then even after that...:)

I turned 61 in July and while I can still throw the leg over and stay in front of the Harleys I'll keep riding!!

By the way my dad turned 81 last week and is considering buying himself a CanAm Spyder. We have already had a look at the dealer now I have to arrange a test ride for him.
Just turned 63. Have a 2011 R3R, a Valkyrie, a Road King and a Street Glide. No problem with any of them except to rotate them so the batteries stay charged. Had to get a big Battery Tender.
:p:cool:So long as you can hold it up right and not fall down no problem but if it still bothers you their is always training wheels haha.
Can't spend every day bouncin the grandkids on your knees and while I havn't ridden every cruiser out there having rode a fair sample I think the R3c is one of the easiest "big bikes" to ride. The t-bird Storm I traded in was hard for me to roll around and a real pain to reach the kickstand.The big harleys I rent once or twice a year (for her comfort) are much harder to recover when they lean past the balance point, too old? nearly every harley rider I see has cotton showin around the dew rag.
Looks like I turn 60 on Wednesday, had both hips replaced this past year and have no intention of giving it up. I think age is a number but declining health always play a factor. Got fitted with hearing aids recently and must admit the Jardines are giving me fits at the moment, just because I wasn't used to hearing. Someone asked me recently if I would ever grow up, my reply was as long as I could still get it up, my Rocket of course and mount her, I had no intention of growing up! Rockets have 10 times the potency of the little blue pill!
turning 68 in january yet never thought about when I would stop riding the beast as long as I can physically hold on to the handlebar that's good enough .
I think of re painting her this winter BRG YYYYes!! thats some cool color!! would be the first and only one
I am glad that they did not make the R3 when I was young. I probably would not be typing this note now.

As long as I can handle the beast, I plan to continue to ride one. I think maturity makes me appreciate more.
I am glad that they did not make the R3 when I was young. I probably would not be typing this note now.

As long as I can handle the beast, I plan to continue to ride one. I think maturity makes me appreciate more.
Had they made The Beast in our youth, I dought many of us would be here today. The ones that were would be true survivors or have lost their licenses years ago and Insurance would be $5,000.00 per year!:eek: