How much to spend on a helmet.

I recommend finding what you want, then trying to get a good deal on a used one on ebay or some other online auction service. I got a barely used Shoei multitec in pristine condition for cheap as the guy only wore it for a short time and realized he preferred an open faced helmet. But with ebay there's always a risk you'll get screwed too...
I forgot to mention my other older helmet is a Shark Evoline 1 which is near the end of its life it to is good helmet but hell noisy, I believe the newer Evoline 3 is supposed to be quieter but I have been spoilt now with new one I doubt I would ever buy a modular one again, but if looking for a modular Shark Evoline's are my pick for having the best side vision out there and they come around to offer a bit more protection to the lower part of your face when open
I am with Hans here had a evoline II which is why I can still talk ,walk and breathe. I will be getting a evoline III this time around.
Picture this can you look thru your helmet and watch the face shield grind off on the asphalt and live thru it? Well you can with the Shark Evoline series, that I can vouch for!!!!!!!

I use this one. It's a little noisy but very light and the peripheral vision is great. On those long trips I take the chin bar off in the morning so I can have my coffee and put it back on when I'm done. The noise doesn't bother me much because I listen to my iPod anyway ( one earphone only).
Ive been using this one for the past 2 months on the daily hour each way grind , very comfortable , bit breezy seeing as it's winter here was $330 aus

It's not easy finding the right helmet, i must have tried on about fifty before i found one i liked and was reasonably priced. Go to your local Honda dealer they seem to have the largest varity to pick from, unless you have money to burn. I chose the HJC SYMAX i like the lift up feature and it fit my big head.
I don't have a head for open face helmets, so have stuck with the full face.

Every time I buy a new helmet I try a range of brands and styles but always come back to the Shoei. From a comfort point of view I guess I've got a Shoei-shaped head.

I also replace the standard visor for an iridium visor. Unlike the tinted visors I find the iridium visor works fine in all weather, including at night. No need to keep swapping visors.

I don't have a head for open face helmets, so have stuck with the full face.

Every time I buy a new helmet I try a range of brands and styles but always come back to the Shoei. From a comfort point of view I guess I've got a Shoei-shaped head.

I also replace the standard visor for an iridium visor. Unlike the tinted visors I find the iridium visor works fine in all weather, including at night. No need to keep swapping visors.

Really nice.