How fast have you ridden your Rocket III?

Have you ever had any reliabilty issues with the tune boy?

07 Rocket III Classic Tourer.

My personal best 140 MPH, with Tuneboy corrected speedometer.

It also felt like there was more there for the asking. bike is setup,

see signature for specifics.
top end runs

WE have raised the rev limit to 9000 , weve run to 8400 on the dyno ,and 7800 on the the highway indicated on the tach before chickening out
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HI WALT we are using stock rods are there any other rods avaiable ??


You're a braver man than I!

Carrillo made custom forged H beam rods for the Echo Cycle 335HP/300Ft/Lb Turbo R3. Since these are in Carrillo's computer, I'm sure they would make them again... dat's what I would like to have!
121 according to GPS

Not happy bike is suppose to 140 had to dealer a couple of times they just ask how fast you need to go? Anybody know the cure?