How far do you take it?

The odometer should be accurate, but the speedometer is 7% optimistic. If you adjust the speedometer to accurate then the odometer will be 7% pessimistic.

The fuel light should come on when you have used about 4.5 gallons (17 litres). If it doesn't then you can adjust it by bending the rod that the float is on.

I once put 6.3 gallons (24 litres) in mine in the Mojave Desert - in August. I'm not sure how hot it was as my thermometer only goes to 120F (49C) and it was pegged, but I'm glad that the fuel station wasn't any further down the road or I would have been pushing it.
Thanks guys, " everyday is a school day" I've learned something from this thread. I usually run 95 but reading your posts I will certainly run 91 from now on. My fuel light comes on around 150km but normally run it to around 220km before I fuel up.
I've been monitoring this over the past 5 fuel ups. I'll post my results if your interested.
All from a full tank
220km on trip tacho took 18.54L = 11.86km Per litre of fuel.
193km took 16.22L = 11.89km pl
216km took 17.09L = 12.63km pl
207km took 17.89L = 11.57km pl
212km took 18.25L = 11.61 km pl
All 95 Fuel

All above was everyday commuting back and forward to work, start stop etc and not on a good long ride.
Just out of curiosity just wanted to see what I was getting fuel economy wise and how far I can push her before I know I really do need fuel.
And if you have an Android - GET "TORQUE". It will give you a GPS vs ODO reading.
AFAICR - most have found ODO almost spot on. The actual speedo is set to read speed faster than it is for the ODO value corresponding. i.e if you bench ran (dyno) 100 measured miles in one hour the speedo would read (for example) constant 103 mph but the ODO would say 100miles covered..

So if you alter the speedo setting - you're messing with ODO. I just use a GPS SPEEDO - always correct despite tyre wear..
7% Jeez Ian that's high.
Yep, but HDs all seem to be about 10%.

Here is an exercise for you. Go to the manual and get all the gear ratios and tyre size, then work out RPM per MPH (or KPH if you prefer), then compare that to what the speedometer actually reads at various RPMs. I know what I worked out, let's see if you get the same answer.
Thanks guys, " everyday is a school day" I've learned something from this thread. I usually run 95 but reading your posts I will certainly run 91 from now on. My fuel light comes on around 150km but normally run it to around 220km before I fuel up.
I've been monitoring this over the past 5 fuel ups. I'll post my results if your interested.
All from a full tank
220km on trip tacho took 18.54L = 11.86km Per litre of fuel.
193km took 16.22L = 11.89km pl
216km took 17.09L = 12.63km pl
207km took 17.89L = 11.57km pl
212km took 18.25L = 11.61 km pl
All 95 Fuel

All above was everyday commuting back and forward to work, start stop etc and not on a good long ride.
Just out of curiosity just wanted to see what I was getting fuel economy wise and how far I can push her before I know I really do need fuel.

Agree Oggpogg. I too get a lot out of this forum by reading old posts. Ive just started using an app called Motorcycle Fuel Log but Ive only spent 1 full tank of fuel at this point.

245km (some highway miles) took 15.46L = 6.31L/100km or 15.85 km pl (98RON).....will advise mileage on next tank.
I've had about 380KM per tank with a passenger on the bike (high way riding) but what I can tell you is that on my bike (12 roadster) is that I can get approximately 50km after the dial reads 0 on the "KM till fillup" metre. Typical in city mileage is around 250km or so
Just out of curiosity why not adjust the float to be more accurate? Or install the updated fuel level sender PN T1241089.

Floats can be adjusted I know this because the dealer messed mine up changing the filter years ago. If memory serves me right the newer sending unit has a shorter more stable and easier to install float rod on it.
Yep, but HDs all seem to be about 10%.

Here is an exercise for you. Go to the manual and get all the gear ratios and tyre size, then work out RPM per MPH (or KPH if you prefer), then compare that to what the speedometer actually reads at various RPMs. I know what I worked out, let's see if you get the same answer.
Nah! - It's why I use GPS. And not a slow refresh rate phone GPS. 10Hz update.

Not track quality but certainly better than most phones 0,3Hz. They say three dimensional velocity calculations are accurate to 0.2km/h - The ability to track American GPS, Russian GLONASS and Chinese BeiDOU navigation satellites simultaneously (well you never know!)

Excessive - maybe - but why not.

Over 10% and you MAY WELL have legal recourse in some countries. I had a defective speedo on a bike ages ago - was 12% out. The importer was thumped by the courts.

Not a private claim - I was stopped for speeding - my defense was that the speedo was inaccurate and so I was not able to know exactly whilst maintaining NORMAL FLOW OF TRAFFIC. The Police tested the speedo. Next thing I knew I had a really angry dealer on the phone. I also received a tiny nominal fine.

In the EU The indicated speed must not be more than 110 percent of the true speed plus 4 km/h at specified test speeds.
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Just out of curiosity why not adjust the float to be more accurate? Or install the updated fuel level sender PN T1241089.

Floats can be adjusted I know this because the dealer messed mine up changing the filter years ago. If memory serves me right the newer sending unit has a shorter more stable and easier to install float rod on it.
This actually could be even MORE depressing - at least if it's inaccurate you can pretend you really have better fuel consumption.