How do you open your gas tank on a classic when you cant find the key?

Getting older sucks especially after youy apply Apple Pie the night before and for three days running. After my Oh Sh*t few moments and STB being kind enough to remind me that I had used the key and where it might be, we all had a long good laugh. Gas station was busy and folks were probably wondering what was so danged funny.Then it was on to a GREAT day of riding with my favorite folks to ride with, Rainman and STB. If you're up in Tellico Plains, Tn. stop in KramBones and eat some BBQ, folks are nice and the food is good.

Jay almost got a hernia from trying to make it rain for Lori but he just couldn't muster up one drop. Next time Jay
That's right Nolton; I remember the thread now.
I guess one of the advantages of not going keyess is that you can't ride to the service station without your tank key.

I have a key-less ignition and it's really nice not having to fuss with the key but a royal PITA when you realize you need gas and don't have a key... Ask me how I know
Always carried a skinny spare key for my VTX in my wallet but don't have such a thing for the R3. Where can I get such a thing?
LOL......Stripes...........thats funny
Glen......It was a GREAT 2 Days..........I enjoyed the hell out of it.