These look to be upgrade replacements, originals may not be.

I never considered that.
If they are indeed upgrades, I think I shall make a change.
Thanks and let us know if you determine for sure.
When I first went DS, I would often find myself on the far side of a ton. Never any issues with wobble, sway, etc. all the while running a Corbin faring, bags and tour pack. Then one day the OMG high speed wobble for no reason. It happened to be at the same time it was in an extended stay at Power Tripps place a few years back. He immediately knew what it was. No problems after he torqued it until recently. Yep. Nothing like a case of ATS at 100+. (ATS=almost tank slap). It has absolutely nothing to do with windshields, farings and the like. Tire pressure maybe.
@STRIPES any idea what he adjusted?

I am sorry I wasn't clear. Being we were talking about loose neck bearings, that is what I was referring to. I has to be snug or the wobble will happen regardless of how an R3 is fitted. I had a mechanic at Eurosport say it is a good idea to install a damper. I think I will because I really don't like being surprised with a bike going squirrely at any speed but over a ton is hair raising.