Heated gloves instead of heated grips?

So let me get this straight, moose paws are dangerous, Hipohands are nearly 5 times the price but are they any good
Hans - seen the Barkbusters Blizzard? - Mine are "en route". We shall see how they fare. I want to be able to see the controls.

There are also some rather dinky ones from Tucano Urbano - with steel outer brace.
Just bought a pair of Joe Rocket Burner leather Gloves. Battery operated and they say it will stay charged for 6 hours min. Charger is included in purchase. Cost $179.00 dollars. Should be interesting to find out if they work or not. Will update after I receive them.;);););););)
Gloves are #rap. They have three settings and none of the three work very well. The advertized 6 hours is a lie. The gloves start out warm but after about 15 minutes at 70 mph you can feel the cold even at 38 degrees. After about a hour ride time the battery,s are shot. Complete waste of money.
Believe I would trust heated gear that is powered by the bike more than stand alone battery. Common since would say that the gear WILL work hooked to the bike. Nice however not to be hooked up to the bike I suppose.

I bought these to keep my hands warm during cold weather. Since they aren't expensive I could a) give them a try b) throw them in the trash. I installed them and took the bike down the road without gloves on at all. It was 53° and hit a top speed around 65 MPH. I could ride all day without gloves. lol
The main reason for these will be cold weather with temps around in the 20s. They even cover some of the forearm. You can't see the controls however but it's just like riding at night. Use feel more than vision.

Recently on a ride I would have paid just about any price for these .... fingertips froze.

Moose Racing 0635-0917 Paws Guantlets Black | eBay
There is no question the Moose Paws do the job of protecting one's hands. I went from full power gloves and heated grips and still not happy to lowest setting on the grips, no power to the gloves, and comfortable as a warm spring day inside the Moose Paws.

The CAVEAT is I felt mentally comfortable with them on a small bike in commuter traffic with frequent stops and plenty of opportunity at stops to deliberately remove my hand, adjust my faceshield or whatever, and watch my hand back into the gauntlet and on to the controls, before needing to stop again.

I was not mentally comfortable (and this is just me -- YRMV) having anything like that on the Rocket for fear (and we all know there is a fine line between rational risk assessment and irrational fear) that on extended rides, I would want to take my hand off and do something -- and right at that moment be in a situation of extremis and need to get my hand back on the controls RIGHT NOW and not be able to negotiate the opening of the gauntlet in panic mode.

This is a bit analogous to our combat shooting drills, where we were focused on the threat, and the old procedure was even thought the threat was momentarily gone, it might reappear, so one holstered the firearm by feel, ready for the next threat. After several instances of students shooting themselves in the leg, the rules were changed so that when the threat was deemed no longer present, students are required to look their firearm into the holster.

I am interested to see if the Barkbuster Blizzard (exactly same concept as the MoosePaws) are a better implementation -- they claim they're self-supporting against the wind pressure, which I read to mean the opening is free and clear to allow the most risk-averse rider to confidently remove and re-insert one's gloved hand while riding.

For anyone interested in the Barkbuster Blizzard, I note at the moment, Revzilla has them on sale for $83.16 shipping included.
wow the aerostitch looks great and in my size and costs more than a second bike .

I have used the aerostich 3 finger before and they work great. I just ordered a new set on Black Friday including shipping for 45 bucks.
The sweet thing is you can use whatever you wish for warmth underneath and never worry about getting wet.
There is no question the Moose Paws do the job of protecting one's hands. I went from full power gloves and heated grips and still not happy to lowest setting on the grips, no power to the gloves, and comfortable as a warm spring day inside the Moose Paws.

The CAVEAT is I felt mentally comfortable with them on a small bike in commuter traffic with frequent stops and plenty of opportunity at stops to deliberately remove my hand, adjust my faceshield or whatever, and watch my hand back into the gauntlet and on to the controls, before needing to stop again.

I was not mentally comfortable (and this is just me -- YRMV) having anything like that on the Rocket for fear (and we all know there is a fine line between rational risk assessment and irrational fear) that on extended rides, I would want to take my hand off and do something -- and right at that moment be in a situation of extremis and need to get my hand back on the controls RIGHT NOW and not be able to negotiate the opening of the gauntlet in panic mode.

This is a bit analogous to our combat shooting drills, where we were focused on the threat, and the old procedure was even thought the threat was momentarily gone, it might reappear, so one holstered the firearm by feel, ready for the next threat. After several instances of students shooting themselves in the leg, the rules were changed so that when the threat was deemed no longer present, students are required to look their firearm into the holster.

I am interested to see if the Barkbuster Blizzard (exactly same concept as the MoosePaws) are a better implementation -- they claim they're self-supporting against the wind pressure, which I read to mean the opening is free and clear to allow the most risk-averse rider to confidently remove and re-insert one's gloved hand while riding.

For anyone interested in the Barkbuster Blizzard, I note at the moment, Revzilla has them on sale for $83.16 shipping included.

There is a slight delay on getting the hand on the grip but it isn't bad as you think. I can pull my left hand out, shut the shield on my full face helmet and slide my hand back in with no troubles. The opening of the Paws actually "puffs" open and stays that way. It doesn't like snap closed like a clam and not let you back in.... lol

I'm guessing they would be a hinderance in a panic stop but if one is paranoid about that then they might need to pass on the paws. Some gizmos can cause trouble for novice bike riders for instance throttle locks, gps, radios.... etc

I am interested to see if the Barkbuster Blizzard (exactly same concept as the MoosePaws)

When I was riding with the paws wearing no gloves I could feel a little air on the left compared to the right. Once I adjusted the left one I didn't have any air blowing in. These things will not let cold air near, on, around your hands .... period. To me the main objective is keep the cold air away from my precious hands. lol

You honestly can't compare the BarkBuster Blizzards to the Moose Paws because the Bark Busters are going to let cold air near, on, around the hands. However Moose Paws cost around $19...... you can't beat it. Moose Paws are mainly for ATVs I believe so not really intended for road bikes but they work **** good on mine....designer riders might to move along.

I got the idea from R3Tex who mentioned using these.
You're going to keep us in suspense ? Link please

If you're talking to me look in post #44 for the Moose Paws in black. You'd look good sporting the camouflage ones.:p

I'm planning not needing these things if I can help it. It does get in the teens down here with sun shining so what may look good standing inside the house changes quickly once I step outside.
Have you ridden with these in the rain when they're soggy, which exacerbates the re-entry issue?
Anyone wanting two pay shipping can have mine for free.