There is no question the Moose Paws do the job of protecting one's hands. I went from full power gloves and heated grips and still not happy to lowest setting on the grips, no power to the gloves, and comfortable as a warm spring day inside the Moose Paws.
The CAVEAT is I felt mentally comfortable with them on a small bike in commuter traffic with frequent stops and plenty of opportunity at stops to deliberately remove my hand, adjust my faceshield or whatever, and watch my hand back into the gauntlet and on to the controls, before needing to stop again.
I was not mentally comfortable (and this is just me -- YRMV) having anything like that on the Rocket for fear (and we all know there is a fine line between rational risk assessment and irrational fear) that on extended rides, I would want to take my hand off and do something -- and right at that moment be in a situation of extremis and need to get my hand back on the controls RIGHT NOW and not be able to negotiate the opening of the gauntlet in panic mode.
This is a bit analogous to our combat shooting drills, where we were focused on the threat, and the old procedure was even thought the threat was momentarily gone, it might reappear, so one holstered the firearm by feel, ready for the next threat. After several instances of students shooting themselves in the leg, the rules were changed so that when the threat was deemed no longer present, students are required to look their firearm into the holster.
I am interested to see if the Barkbuster Blizzard (exactly same concept as the MoosePaws) are a better implementation -- they claim they're self-supporting against the wind pressure, which I read to mean the opening is free and clear to allow the most risk-averse rider to confidently remove and re-insert one's gloved hand while riding.
For anyone interested in the
Barkbuster Blizzard, I note at the moment, Revzilla has them on sale for $83.16 shipping included.