Head count for RAA - Wytheville VA 2017

Rocket Scientist, STB, Rainman and Warp 9.9

All I had time for at lunch today. I will have another go at it later.

Thanks for the name caption!
That @teraeric looks to be a big boy!
Or is it that he is standing behind the lilliputian Scott? :roll: :p
Fred, Melissa,rainman and sweetenbabe are looking as fine as ever! :thumbsup:
Joesmoe looks like a Brittish jungle guide! :roll:
I shall look forward to meeting the others.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Since no one answered you @1olbull and to give you a idea on size. You and I are probably close in height & well you have me diameter wise :D
Eric is a big feller :)
All of the above were taken at the top of "The Back of the Dragon" in Virginia except the last one which was the view from our motel room. It was a nice place and this years RAA had a very relaxed feeling to it with leisurely meals and lots of great roads nearby. The Blue Ridge Parkway is in the last picture. We had some very interesting rides courtesy of 'Goat Track McGee'.......don't ask :D
Well, we almost made it home. As we were turning into our driveway some ******* tried to pass us on the right. Here is our Jeep now.

Not to mention he went across our lawn, crashed through our fence and into. Melissa's flower garden.

Saw this on Facebook, wow some people.... super glad your ok though.