Head count for RAA - Wytheville VA 2017

Hey!!!! I go slow and don't pull a trailer. I kept telling everyone I was skeered of curves and twisties. No one believed me tho. Smh

I think u forgot to reset trip meter on your next-to-last tank.
Thankfully WE weren't hurt. I don't give a **** about him

The speed limit on our road is 55 mph. The guy must have been playing with his phone or God knows what, when he finally looked up, I was slightly over the center line so I could turn right into our driveway with the trailer. Guess he thought his best shot was to try to go around us on the right. I second later and he would have tee boned us on the passenger side where some mighty precious cargo was sitting. After the impact he went another 50 ft. up a sod hill, through our fence and into Melissa's flower garden. He tried to say we didn't have our blinker on. The police officer didn't believe him, but only cited him for improper passing. I though it should have been careless driving at least. An almost 2,000 mile trip up and down the mountains at 80 mph with bumper to bumper semi's, no problem. Try to turn into your driveway on a rural road with ONE other car on it? NOOOO ! Time to make some phone calls and get the Jeep towed from the wrecker yard to the repair shop. That's the second major crash for that vehicle. Melissa hit a deer with it about 2 weeks after we got it. Our insurance will probably drop us now. Other than that, great trip !
Relax my friend, thanfuly there were no body parts everywhere, just kick his arse and then call the insurance
You're in a no fault state aren't you?
If so bummer!!!!!!