Rick Morris
"Have you seen Junior's grades?"
I think you nailed it.After years of research into RVs, buying a 5th wheel, full-timing for 18 months observing many Airstream owners, and having a close friend buy one, the following I believe can be said about both Airstreams and Harleys:
Anything I forgot?
- you pay two or three times the price over others of comparable performance/quality
- the features don’t keep up with modern innovation
- yes, they are pretty
- you’re paying a huge premium for nostalgia and being part of a club
- members of the club think they bought quality, denial is strong
- members of the club are obsessed with how they/their rig look
- members of the club believe there is only One True Brand
- resale values used to be spectacular, and the myth runs deep that it’s still true
Anyone else with RV experience agree with the comparison? For me it was striking.