I am finding this very hard to believe. A good friend of mine rides a standard v rod. Of course when I bought the Rocket we had a few friendly challenges. We both weigh in about the same and are both experience riders. The Rocket out performed the V-Rod. He went with a aftermarket exhaust and re-tuned the bike. I just went with a Re-tune and A stock K%N air filter. I still very easily pull away from him every time. With a Carpenter bike it would be no contest at all. My friend has let me ride his V-rod a few times and personal I think the riding position sucks. Handling performance is not very impressive either. I do like the engine design but that was not designed by Harley Davidson. Just my 5 cents worth.
Stock Rocket X after re-tune top end at 134 mph. This was done on a closed course and under very good conditions.[/QUOTE Ive raced my friend I would say 5 times from 1st to 5th gear and it was a good race and I beat him everytime but we didnt run top speed and I could easily retune with a Carpenter pipe and raise the rev limit and gain 50 HP and loose 50 lbs and it would devastate the V rod everywhere including top speed The V ROD is the best engine Harley makes because it wasnt designed by them YOU retuned your X but you didnt raise the rev limit or speed limiter ?