Happy Fathers Day


Happy Father's Day down under.

Ride SAFE! Your sons and daughters (but especially your sons) NEED YOU! Watch out for those crazy cagers, because they do stupid stuff.

What is this Pale Ale stuff? What about those 25 oz cans of Fosters? Or Tooth's?

Australian for BEER, Mate!
Do you stay in contact with them?
If so . . . That REALLY sux and they deserve punishment!!!
The eldest Ben who is 30 only found out I was his Dad 5 years ago so that's sweet , but the two teens male and female have no excuse whatsoever , they just think I'm some sort of personal ATM , got that from their mother
The eldest Ben who is 30 only found out I was his Dad 5 years ago so that's sweet , but the two teens male and female have no excuse whatsoever , they just think I'm some sort of personal ATM , got that from their mother

Truly SUX a big one! :( :mad:
Good on the Boy who shoulda remembered. :eek:
The daughters :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:
I would have been REAL hurt and then called them to wish myself happy father's day in their faces!
I feel for you, M8.
@Wrecka , the 'kids' might need a kick in the pants but from my own experience, and kids being kids, sometimes all they need is a gentle prod from whichever adult they spend most of their time with. I bet if someone had suggested "how about you give your father a call", they would have. Not making excuses for them, but sometimes they can get caught up with not wanting to upset someone else and in so doing wind up appearing insensitive and uncaring. Mightn't be the case. I'm a bit 'glass half full' when it comes to my kids and try to understand how it can be difficult for them. The good news is they'll drift back in time.
My son celebrated his third Father's Day with his little family and the princess and me. I had cup of teas and made bubbles with my grand daughter and it was the best day of the year.
One Birthday my eldest son forgot to contact me, so I sent him a self addressed stamped envelope and a card filled out with all the mushy stuff all ready written in it with a sign here on the dotted line post it note attached ,I got it back a few days later and he had written on the card Sorry Dad I was going to put a few lottery tickets in with the card but I had already sealed it:rolleyes: That's my boy! but he never forgot again :laugh::laugh:Worse still is my Kiwi son in law Actually he is just like another son to me they stayed over with the kids after fathers day and when I checked my beer fridge in the shed he had left some Kiwi Stein lager and drank my XXXX gold and he reckons he cannot stand it as it tastes like pez (kiwi for Pi**) gotta love the Kiwi's:D:D:D