Hahah dreamers...........

While scouring the net for info on how to remove throttle bodies i came across this pearl of a thread , these wankers are actually talking about spending 10k to get a HD thats only just capable of keeping up with a standard R3........

modding a fat bob to beat a Triumph rocket III > HD FORUMS AUSTRALIA > HD FORUMS AUSTRALIA

That's gold!

Look, I am passionate about my bikes & I love my Harleys..
I currently own 3. They are nowhere close to the performance of what that guy was talking about on a stock 2013 Dyna, but I like them for what they are!

But there is no point in putting lipstick on a pig.. she is still a pig, yeah?

Looking at what that guy was wanting to achieve is inspiring, to say the least, but if he thought he "COULD" out-drag an R3 on a 2013 Dyna, with all the money in the fantasy world, how did he think he was going to stop it?

.. back to the lipstick on a pig!

If you want grunt, Rocket!
That's gold!

Look, I am passionate about my bikes & I love my Harleys..
I currently own 3. They are nowhere close to the performance of what that guy was talking about on a stock 2013 Dyna, but I like them for what they are!

But there is no point in putting lipstick on a pig.. she is still a pig, yeah?

Looking at what that guy was wanting to achieve is inspiring, to say the least, but if he thought he "COULD" out-drag an R3 on a 2013 Dyna, with all the money in the fantasy world, how did he think he was going to stop it?

.. back to the lipstick on a pig!

If you want grunt, Rocket!

Lipstick on a Hog :D a bit like a prawn done up in icing, a rat with a gold tooth, or a draught horse in the Melbourne Cup,
I begrudge no man (or woman) for whatever make or model of motorcycles they choose to ride. Bashing Harley Davidson is not a blood sport for me, nor should it be for anyone, however, the usually good-natured piling on about The Motor Company has become somewhat of a satirical, ongoing tradition among longstanding riders worldwide. Could that be because their motorcycles so outnumber all others combined in the US and the rest of us are simply jealous or have HOG envy?:laugh:

Uhhh... nope!:roll:
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I begrudge no man (or woman) for whatever make or model of motorcycles they choose to ride. Bashing Harley Davidson is not a blood sport for me, nor should it be for anyone, however, the usually good-natured piling on about The Motor Company has become somewhat of a satirical, ongoing tradition among longstanding riders worldwide. Could that be because their motorcycles so outnumber all others combined in the US and the rest of us are simply jealous or have HOG envy?:laugh:

I dont hate the bikes they are very easy on the eye and fun to ride, it's the majority of peanuts that ride them and sit at the lights blipping the throttle that do my head in...............

Uhhh... nope!:roll:
I begrudge no man (or woman) for whatever make or model of motorcycles they choose to ride. Bashing Harley Davidson is not a blood sport for me, nor should it be for anyone, however, the usually good-natured piling on about The Motor Company has become somewhat of a satirical, ongoing tradition among longstanding riders worldwide. Could that be because their motorcycles so outnumber all others combined in the US and the rest of us are simply jealous or have HOG envy?:laugh:

Uhhh... nope!:roll:

I dont hate the bikes they are very easy on the eye and fun to ride, it's the majority of peanuts that ride them and sit at the lights blipping the throttle that do my head in...............
I begrudge no man (or woman) for whatever make or model of motorcycles they choose to ride. Bashing Harley Davidson is not a blood sport for me, nor should it be for anyone, however, the usually good-natured piling on about The Motor Company has become somewhat of a satirical, ongoing tradition among longstanding riders worldwide. Could that be because their motorcycles so outnumber all others combined in the US and the rest of us are simply jealous or have HOG envy?:laugh:

Uhhh... nope!:roll:

No envy here I have had Harleys, and still have one in the shed bought new in 1984 and ridden for many years, before Harleys were a fashion statement ,for cashed up born again bikers, and their fat Ar** old girls on the back ,all trying to be "hard core "by being clones of the other wankers, I have a few mates who still ride Harleys and have done so for 40 or more years but they are few and far between

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