Hahah dreamers...........

Reminds me of watching the Harley crowds jaws drop when they saw Mittzy's numbers live last year.........
Yeah they were trying to find the turbo, of course I don't have one on the R3.
And to think that mine is NOT the highest Hp from a naturally aspirated R3.
The S&S 124 is a very unreliable motor. It may run like a bat out of hell for a Harley but has a longer stroke which translate into a very short lived engine. About 50,000 or less mileage. The 111 S&S on the other hand is a decent motor which produces more power than the screaming chicken version. You are looking at about $10,000 for the crate engine plus modification to the primary and fuel system. With out the mods to the primary and fuel system you really have nothing but a accident waiting to happen. By the time the fat lady sings you have spent around $15,000 dollars for a bike that still will not outrun A rocket X completely stock. A few of my friends who own such bikes found this out the hard way. My Harley which has a lot of modifications to the engine and is considered very fast for a Harley can not hold a candle to the Rocket. With that said I really have nothing against Harley's. I kind of like the Harley's just do not care much for some of the morons who ride them.:D:D:D:D
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Who said my old rocket is stock.......You know I do have a few Low friends in High places. Yes the engine has never been cracked but everything I knew to do has been done

Gary, who is my brother in law owned a Harley with a 140 ci SS motor in it, supposedly it was over 200 hp. It was fast to be sure but it was a contraption of a motorcycle. I rode it 2 times. I would never race him on that thing and he never pushed to race me on the rocket.
It was God awful to ride just normal. You had to wear thick winter type gloves to ride 30 miles (vibration) . Under full power thru the gears it was a death trap, I think the frame flexed, 3rd and 4th gear you had to pull on the handle bars so hard to counter steer and in 5th your butt was off to the side like a road racer. It took both lanes of the interstate to run it thru the gears.

I am like Sonny, I love all types of motorcycles. Oh I just bought a moped off of ebay to use to change targets at the gun range. It was getting to hard to walk the 100yds and back. Waiting for the rack to go on the back of my truck, should be here this week:)

Who said my old rocket is stock.......You know I do have a few Low friends in High places. Yes the engine has never been cracked but everything I knew to do has been done

Gary, who is my brother in law owned a Harley with a 140 ci SS motor in it, supposedly it was over 200 hp. It was fast to be sure but it was a contraption of a motorcycle. I rode it 2 times. I would never race him on that thing and he never pushed to race me on the rocket.
It was God awful to ride just normal. You had to wear thick winter type gloves to ride 30 miles (vibration) . Under full power thru the gears it was a death trap, I think the frame flexed, 3rd and 4th gear you had to pull on the handle bars so hard to counter steer and in 5th your butt was off to the side like a road racer. It took both lanes of the interstate to run it thru the gears.

I am like Sonny, I love all types of motorcycles. Oh I just bought a moped off of ebay to use to change targets at the gun range. It was getting to hard to walk the 100yds and back. Waiting for the rack to go on the back of my truck, should be here this week:)
The V-twin drag bikes are made to be fast, not to last.
The voice of reason on that thread was the former R111 owner who told him TWICE not to bother.....looks like he is determined to try anyhow....some people's kids:banghead:
2 years ago I had the pleasure of running up against a turbo Streetglide. We were both coming out of Deadwood heading south and once you are outside of town the highway goes from 30mph to 60mph and divides. It goes straight up a hill for 2 miles and has 2 corners in it. It's a big hill and it's divided because anyone towing only goes 30mph all the way to the top. Anyway we are both riding 2 up on the slow part of road side by side and he keeps blipping the throttle. He sees me smirking because I just find it funny that 80% of Harley guys do that and I am sure they don't know why. He says "You have a problem?" and I just said "You must have the problem, it sounds like your bike won't idle on it's own". Well that did it, he was mad as hell. He says "That's what happens when you have big power" I smiled and said "I'll wait for you at the top." I dropped the hammer and by the time I hit the halfway mark on the hill and wasn't that far over the speed limit, he gave up. Horsepower and torque aren't the same thing. I waited at the top and waved to him as they both gave me the finger on the way by.
2 years ago I had the pleasure of running up against a turbo Streetglide. We were both coming out of Deadwood heading south and once you are outside of town the highway goes from 30mph to 60mph and divides. It goes straight up a hill for 2 miles and has 2 corners in it. It's a big hill and it's divided because anyone towing only goes 30mph all the way to the top. Anyway we are both riding 2 up on the slow part of road side by side and he keeps blipping the throttle. He sees me smirking because I just find it funny that 80% of Harley guys do that and I am sure they don't know why. He says "You have a problem?" and I just said "You must have the problem, it sounds like your bike won't idle on it's own". Well that did it, he was mad as hell. He says "That's what happens when you have big power" I smiled and said "I'll wait for you at the top." I dropped the hammer and by the time I hit the halfway mark on the hill and wasn't that far over the speed limit, he gave up. Horsepower and torque aren't the same thing. I waited at the top and waved to him as they both gave me the finger on the way by.

We have a saying in OZ for cars but it goes for bikes as well "when the flag drops the bull**** stops"

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