How in the world can you fellows remember what was printed in a mag. forty some years ago???
Hell I can't remember what I did yesterday. ....that is a lie......I can not remember why I got out of my chair and went into the kitchen most of the time.
I was just a weekend racer, made enough money to get most of the goodies I needed to go fast. The most info I had on the H1 & H2 back then was a group of Japanese guys in Calif. that were making go fast parts. That is where I found out about moving the spark plug hole to get a better burn, flow benches. Most of the people around here( east coast) just made fun of the ying ying *** crap.
What I saw around here was everyone wanted to run 2 engines or Nitro. I did not win many races, a few, but when you are the open class you run what you brought.......heads up. I ran against motorcycles the would run 130-140 mph in a 1/4 mile. It was still a lot of fun for me and that is what it was all about.