Hahah dreamers...........

Harleys don't have that much torque...yes they make more torque in relationship to HP, but they are way down on HP, so that doesn't say much for the amount of torque they make...the R3R probably makes as much torque at idle as a Sportster makes peak...
SPORTYS dont do anything any more they are entry level girly bikes now no HP and no TRQ so not worth comparing them to the rockets
I remember it as I was a KAW dealer and a racer and no one made fun of the YING YING crap because they could beat all the 4 strokes and embarass all those good ol boys I know we took all their money grudge racing SO you would remember if you were winning races
A few years ago I was at a wedding reception and started chatting to the guy next to me. The conversation turned to bikes and he mentioned he used to own a Norton Commando. He told me of the time when he was at a traffic light out of town and a Kawi H2 pulled up next to him and challenged him to a race. First one to the general store in Zephyr. When the light changed they took off and the Kawi streaked ahead. At the first bend as the Kawi was braking the Norton went past, snapped the footpeg off as he laid it over but he wobbled and kept going. He was first to the store and was puffing on a ciggy when the Kawi pulled in. You're fn crazy he said. And your second laughed Mr Norton.........
I sold NORTON and Kawasaki and the NORTON was not a match for the the H2 but thats a good story about snapping footpegs off and smoking a ciggy
A Norton and an H2 were not even close. Pretty much nothing could beat the ying ying back in those days. Actually they would still be quick today. Power to weight was great and they got their revs quicker than anything else.
I sold NORTON and Kawasaki and the NORTON was not a match for the the H2 but thats a good story about snapping footpegs off and smoking a ciggy
Obviously not as quick but not exactly a slug either. As you said earlier," when the flag drops the Bull stops". It usually comes down to the rider.
Obviously not as quick but not exactly a slug either. As you said earlier," when the flag drops the Bull stops". It usually comes down to the rider.
YEP the rider is another story if you cant ride you cant win races
I assumed the Norton couldn't stop, hence snapping a peg and getting there first. My old boss had a restored original Norton commander, I never had a desire to ride it.
I won my share of races but not as many as I lost. I never lost a race between me and the bike against any car that wanted some of the Ying Ying. I ran my transportation H1 just a handful of times when I got the chance to buy a damaged crate H1 at a great deal. One of the employees dropped it while unloading it in the parking lot. I never put tags on that one or the H2 I got in 73.

Art are you saying you never lost a race even in the open class?? I know you were good and still in the know about the Rockets and that is a fact. You and your friends can do your magic on my ol rocket anytime you wish.......Hint Hint for the 874 time....LOL

Heck....I lost the race when I went through the traps at 94 mph without the M/C but that wasn't the only thing on my mind at the time

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