Gripes, pet peeves and riddles

I'm a most of the gearATT rider. I think that a full face helment is more comfortable than being sandblasted by 110 degree wind, the newer textile summer jackets are not that bad to wear. But I Normally jsut wear jeans, have not yet found riding pants comfortable for normal use.
The post wasn't intended as an ATGATT, I was/am confused by the person who puts on all the body gear like boots, gloves and heavy leather jacket in 115 degree temps only to mount up with no helmet, doesn't make sense. The same is true with the opposite person who dons a full face helmet in 115 degree weather in a no helmet law state and is wearing shorts, Tee and flip-flops. I don't care what people wear, I just don't follow the logic of these two types of individuals.
Totally with you on the full gear in hot weather. And with no helmet - makes no sense at all. I do, however, get the helmet and shorts thing. I'd rather walk with a limp than be a vegetable.
My open face helmet took a big big hit in recent crash, i would never ride without a helmet. I have never riden in shorts or without boots even in 33 degree humid conditions up in Darwin. My trusty Drizabone wont be getting replaced , been looking at new leather jackets with body armour since the crash. See blokes riding in all sorts of gear and think ' obviously you ain't never seen a mate gravel-rashed like he's been sandblasted'.. i have !!!!!!
It doesn't really bother me what others wear each to their own i guess.
I'm only a baby in age and riding experience to most of you guys and respect all of your opinions .I have only been riding motorcycles for three years my first was a 750 which i wrote off and when it was replaced under insurance i sold it and purchased a rocket :eek:.
I'm only 34 years old so i probably wasn't even born when most of you guys started riding and i have two children under 5 who need their dad around a bit longer i think .:D So i always wear dragon jeans full face helmet and the leather jacket with internal armour aswell as the gloves and boots.
I do have a half face which occasionally gets worn but it is a good one made by shoei.
nine times out of ten though i go for the full face
What makes bikers think that a sidewalk is an acceptable place to park?

Hey Harley guy, why the heck do you blip your throttle at the stoplight?

Don't people know that revving your bike when you first start it up is bad for the engine?

Shorts on a sports bike - dumb, shorts on a cruiser with pipes two inches from your leg - dumber.

Black leather jacket, boots, full finger gloves, no helmet ?!?

Full face helmet, shorts, tank top and sandals ?!?

Summer wear!
Black thin nylon T-shirt for coolness
full length blue jeans
full helmet w/flip down visor (visor up 40 mph and under)
cutout finger glaves
boots w/oil-resistant bottom
no need to rev engine, leave others at light when green!
Had i not been wearing my gear in my recent crash there is a good chance i would not be here to type this now. also my laptop saved my back too so the next jacket i get will have back protection and zip into my riding pants
it doesn't really bother me what others wear each to their own i guess.
I'm only a baby in age and riding experience to most of you guys and respect all of your opinions .i have only been riding motorcycles for three years my first was a 750 which i wrote off and when it was replaced under insurance i sold it and purchased a rocket :eek:.
I'm only 34 years old so i probably wasn't even born when most of you guys started riding and i have two children under 5 who need their dad around a bit longer i think .:d so i always wear dragon jeans full face helmet and the leather jacket with internal armour aswell as the gloves and boots.
I do have a half face which occasionally gets worn but it is a good one made by shoei.
Nine times out of ten though i go for the full face

ok yall, should we take evil mitchs reference to our ages to heart an wear his ass out, or let him learn the hard way??? Just sayin......
ok yall, should we take evil mitchs reference to our ages to heart an wear his ass out, or let him learn the hard way??? Just sayin......

I'll cut him some slack ,wear what ya want .
He is a fellow rocket rider and he ain't that young:D but he sounds like he has people to live for,. kids need there daddy :D
In a blink of an eye he will be old like us .
Time flies when your having fun riding a rocket and kids grow up in a blink of an eye .
i'll cut him some slack ,wear what ya want .
He is a fellow rocket rider and he ain't that young:d but he sounds like he has people to live for,. Kids need there daddy :d
in a blink of an eye he will be old like us .
Time flies when your having fun riding a rocket and kids grow up in a blink of an eye .

i agree, lets give the pup a break, maybe we can teach him a few joking around with him, hell if i didnt, you know me it would mean i would get nasty...lmao!!! Oh i love my r3 friends!!!! :d